What You Fail To See...

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Oh no... I can tell you right now, Mrs. Crowder was having none of that! In fact she refused to sit idly by and watch her own mother take the stand. And against her, no less. No ma'am! If you can believe, which I believe you can, Mrs, Crowder had even more of a hissy fit than her norm, right then and there. And right in that courtroom just like a selfish child in a candy store not getting her way!

Why she gave a look to her lawyer, Mr. Kransten to remove the tape from her lips and release her from her from her imprisoned state that very instant. Or there would be in short, as that saying goes... hell to pay. Now if you seen that look she gave, why most couldn't blame Mr. Kransten for what he was about to do. No sir. Why when he reluctantly and against his better judgment and with a very shaky hand did, she leapt up, like a wild woman on fire!

To Mr. Kransten's dismay, before he could stop her from edging and wiggling  from that chair, Mrs. Crowder managed to allude his grip as she hastily stomped her wide nines in front of that stand and began to holler like a wet cat, fresh out of the water!

"Naw Mutha... I will not stand for this!" Mrs. Crowder griped in a reprimanding scowl!

"How she getup from that chair?" The judge fussed staring down a shaking in his boots, Mr. Kransten.

"Sir... I..."

"Don't even say another word!" Judge Bloomfurd scowled at a beyond nervous Mr. Kransten. "I'll deal with you later! "

"Muther! Don't you dare take a seat! Naw I know you are not feelin well and you are definitely not yourself! Naw you need to get down from there and have Tator take you right back home and back to bed!"

"You would like that." Mrs. Lexington replied.

"Yes! Yes, I would!" Mrs. Crowder griped! "Naw you jest get up from that chair! "Tator?!?!" She hollered rubbernecking her head so fast around you would have thought she'd get whiplash, as she now focused her attention towards her grandson. "Be a good lad... Come get my muther and take her home this instant!"

"Mrs. Crowder..."

"Oh no! Don't you, Mrs. Crowder me!" She quickly interjected. As for you, judge..." She hissed, focusing her laser eyes upon him. "Naw see here! I am the former First Lady of this here town and I demand you not let my very own muther sit on that there bench and take anotha breath! No sir! In fact, I demand you to make her get up from that chair this very instant!"

"And I demand you to set yo fannie hide down rat there on that there chair! Rat now! Or so help me, in front of yo mama and all of the town of Ponchas Avenue Row, I will not onlay superglue yo butt to that chair! This time permanently! But I will superglue yo lips in the process!!" Judge Bloomfurd threatened without so much as a blink!

"You wouldn't dare!" Mrs. Crowder gasped astonished at the judge's outright audacity!

"Oh wouldn't I?" Judge Bloomfurd boldly replied back! "I have had jest about enough out of you already! High past time! As a matter of fact, Mrs. Lexington... you wouldn't mind wouldja?" He dared to say.

"Hmm..." Mrs. Lexington mumbled as she scrunched up her face in wonder. "Do I mind? Hmph, normally, Mr. Bloomfurd, young sir... I would say don't you dare even try and hurt a hair on my sweet child's head. However..." Mrs. Lexington deeply paused staring deep into her daughter's mischievous eyes... "In light of the current circumstances, 'Sweet...' is so not the word for here. Not for her. Not right now." She sadly replied. "In light of the way my child has been actin these last few months... not onlay towards me, and whut has happened to me, that she knows very well the accounts and actions that she has so grievously displayed towards her own muther, me... which I still sorrowfully mourn just at the mere thought of it... Em." Mrs. Lexington scowled. "I remorsefully have to admit, I just can't believe her actions... of anythang she has down lately. Which I care to not go into detail at this point and time... But she knows. Oh yes... she knows!" Mrs. Lexington said staring down her daughter. "No..." she sighed. "But to take it even further with this, this.... ridiculous, outlandish... out of order... absurd mockery of this oh so uncalled for trial whut have you, and whut she has put Olivia and her family through, why I have ta say in all honesty, at this point and time, why I invite it yo honor! Do as you will!"

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