Andrew Wellington Pt 2

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Maple desperately tried to make her way out of the extensive corridor as a thousand endless thoughts raced in her spinning mind. But on that bright Sunday morn, it was evident there was no way she was able to pass up an undeniably riled up Andrew Wellington the third...

MAPLE: "Oh sweet Lawd in Heaven, help me." She secretly prayed. "If only I had of listened to Cornelia and stayed, I would not be in the predicament I am now...

But Maple was in that predicament and there was no way that Andrew was gonna let her get away. Not now...

"Step aside!" Maple hissed!

But Andrew didn't budge...

"I could force ya you know?" She fussed becoming unhinged. "But I ain't got time to ruin this dress!"

"And like you, I don't wanna fight!"

"Then whut do you wont from me?"

"Whutdoya thank? I wont you to talk to me, Maple!" Andrew fussed.

"We have said all we needed to say."

"Oh no... we... I ain't said nearly enough." Andrew replied. "Please Maple..." He grudgingly pleaded.

"Andrew umm... I__"

"Can't you see? I had to return." He said a breath away from her."

"Why?" Maple said backing away, as her unwanted feelings started to take over. "It's been over two years. Why did ya? For yo family?"

"You know why..."

"No... No I don't..." Maple said turning her face away from Andrew.

"Look at me, Maple." A determined Andrew pleaded caressing her soft face...

But Maple refused. She forcibly removed his hand from her face...

"Glory alive woman!" He growled! "Surely you must know..."

Maple shook her head in denial...An unsettling emotion began to stir in the pit of her stomach... Her normally strong stance was now in a weakened state of mind in his presence. Contrary to what she wanted to feel, her involuntary emotions started to take over the more she was in his presence. He oozed of a manly scent that captivated Maple's senses. Her fleshly, voluptuous lips that tasted of cherry chapstick, slightly salivated at the sight of his. And for once in a very long time, she felt fragile like the antique doll, her mama once gave her. And she despised that feeling to the core... He had her and he knew it. And if it were even more possible, with that sudden knowledge, Andrew stood more assert as he leaned in to her...

"You alright?" He smiled.

"I'm fine." Maple said shaking herself to reality as she pushed him away.

She managed to turn her back towards him as she stared through the stained glass window.

Andrew pressed against her. Enamored, He deeply inhaled her scent. She smelled just as he remembered, of wild flowers and sweet sugar plums on a warm summer's day. There was no denying he was captivated, infatuated with her beauty. Gently with the tips of nimble fingers, they glided across her velvety skin, as he moved her hair, exposing her delicate neck. She could feel his warm inviting breath on the back of her nape, tingling down her spine as her hairs began to stand on end. For a moment she invited it. Maple found it hard to breathe... In baited breath she finally spoke...

"Whut do you wan me to feel, Andrew? It's been over two years. Sides, I'm not the one who left..."

"You didn't give me a reason to stay." He softly spoke as his lips brushed against her exposed shoulder...

"There was none." She said closing her eyes...

"So it's true then..." He said abruptly backing away. "As I suspected, you didn't care. And you didn't"

"No." Maple bluntly replied as she slowly opened her eyes and boldly turned around. "I didn't! And I don't!"

But right then and there. Andrew suddenly saw something different in Maple's eyes that seemed to say otherwise. In her unspoken expression, he suddenly found a glimpse of hope. So much so, he had the gumption to smile. In fact, he smiled so wide, you could see every pearly with tooth he had. And well for some reason that just vexed Maple something fierce.

"Mr. Wellington." Maple uttered clearing her throat. "The mornin awaits. And I won't say it was nice seein you." She groaned in utter agitation.

His peculiar smile did not help matters. Pressing the lace veil against his chest, Maple stood uprightly and once again, began to fuss...

"You see this, Mr. Wellington? It's foe the bride. And I am late. As you kin see, I do have to be on my way. So if you'll excuse me." Maple said trying to shove past Andrew...

But he wouldn't let her by...

"Mr. Wellington__"

"And that's anotha thang... Since when is it Mr. Wellington? He chuckled.

"That is yo name." Maple replied still trying to pass.

But with every move she has made Andrew cleverly blocked her from passing...

"Andrew Wellington, I swear if you done move..."

"You'll whut?" He said daring her to attempt anything.

"You... suh... are incorrigible!" She vexed! "Daggumit! Who the blazes in hells fire invited you to this weddin anyway?" Maple huffed in a blaze.

"Oh no one in particular..." Andrew smirked. "But the groom himself. Yo uncle." Andrew boldly replied.

"Did he?" Maple replied in an irritated manner.

"He did." Andrew glared.

"Em..." Maple scowled. "So that's what Cornelia meant." Maple mumbled to herself. "Well Mr. Wellington__"

"It's Andrew." He expressed in a form of irritation. Still he couldn't look away as she stared deep into her brown eyes.

"Andrew?" Maple sweetly replied gazing into his piecing grays...

"Yes?" He coyly smiled leaning in. So close, he nearly touched her succulent lips. But before he could...

"Move!" She hissed, as she shoved past him as hard as she could.

Maple did her darnedest to move in haste in her already painful heels to get away from Andrew, but he of course quickly followed. And to her dismay, he was much faster than her. And once again to her dismay, he stood between her from turning around the bend to get back to Cornelia...

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