We Have Something In Common

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You ever think you heard something so downright cuckoo and wondered if what you heard was nothing even close to what was really said? Like maybe your ears were playin tricks on you? Well for Jeffy that's exactly how he felt at that moment, as he played the last of bit of words discussed between him and Tator Tot over and over in his now spinnin head. Perplexed, beyond belief, he continued to scratch at his head...

"Say uh Tator?" He giggled. "You wan run that by me again?"

"You heard right. I didn't stutter. Said I want Maple."

Jeffy still couldn't believe his ears.


"Emm hmm..."

"My sweet baby niece, Maple?"

"The one and onlay." Tator Tot grinned. "So how's bout it?"

Jeffy began to laugh like the mad hatter on his endless cup of tea...

"Soooo... this is funnay! It really is." He said.

"Seems to be." Tator Tot replied starting to slightly chuckle himself.

"Had to scratch at my head, cuz coulda sworn I was still dreamin..."

"Nah suh. You wide awake." Tator Tot amusingly replied.

"Yup. Appears I am now." Jeffy replied as the two seemed to enjoy a laugh together. "Say..." Jeffy uttered still laughing in conversation, "you said you're goin on nineteen? Am I right?"

"Yes suh!" Tator Tot widely grinned.

"Uh huh." Jeffy mumbled. "Well seeing as you're goin on nineteen, guess you are right. I can't call you a kid anymore."

"Nope. Can't say you can." Tator Tot joyfully agreed.

"Emmm hmmm." Jeffy smiled. "Well that settles it. He said wiping the grass off his pants. "And well," he coyly smiled still scratching at his dark hair, "since you ain't a kid eeeeennnn-e moe, guess what I'm bout ta do to you, well..."

In that very instant, Jeffy no longer had an amused smile on his face. In fact his deep olive complected skin, turned just as crimson as Maple on that day Mrs. Crowder invaded her home. Jeffy saw nothing but red. And like a fish out of water, Jeffy leapt at Tator Tot. Tator squealed like a live pig on a grill, shocked beyond belief. To his short relief he managed to quickly and mercifully get away before Jeffy could get his clutches on him. But not for long.

"Naw... naw... see here Jeffy! I mean Jeffrey! I mean uh Mr. Hastings! Whoever! I ain't come to do no harm!"

"Oh yeah? Well maybe you ain't! But I am! Now stand still!" Jeffy growled endlessly chasing Tator Tot around that spinnin cherry tree!

"This is ridiculous! You're a peaceable man! You wouldn't even hurt a fly!"

"Oh yeah! Well lets find out! Stop yo buzzin!" Jeffy said madly swatting at Tator Tot!"

"Wait a minute! Naw jest wait a daggone dang, cotton pickin minute! Stop chasin me wouldja!" Tator Tot cried.

"Stop runnin!" Jeffy hissed.

"Stop chasin me!"

"Stop runnin!"

"You thank I'm crazy? Strike that! You're crazy!" Tator Tot squealed!

"Oh you ain't see crazy!" Jeffy griped, snatching at a freaked out Tator Tot!"

Going round and round in a circle, like an endless merry-go-round, went Jeffy and Tator Tot, racing round that poor cherry tree. If any happen to stop by and watch at that very moment, they would swear that chase looked like the day in town, when Mr. Hoffman's pink poodle was wild with heat chasin, poor Miss. Millie Wexler's, schnauzer in sheer desire! Or how she chased him for that matter. Still neither would let up on that ridiculous chase. Finally losing his balance and his breath, poor Jeffy tripped on a loose limb and went rollin down that hill. He rolled like a rollie pollie till he went splat, splish, splash in that water. Tator finally had momentarily allevement from a tired, worn out, Jeffy as he huffed in the shallows of the water.

"Naw look." Tator Tot said feeling a bit winded himself. "I didn't come here for no trouble! I jest wan a chance. I like her. And I think if she gets to know me, maybe she'll like me." He said waving trying to catch his breath. "But having the history our family has... and how you jest reacted, I feel like I ain't gettin a fair one! By you. Or now by her. Why you thank I came to you first? Shoot! I bet you're tame compared to Mrs. Woods. Let alone Mister. You seemed the most reasonable! Guess I was mistaken! But slap me silly, cuz I still just wan a fair chance."

Jeffy, still huffing found what strength he had to get himself out of the water. Tator Tot slid down to try and help a winded Jeffy up. Hesitant, but not slapping away, Jeffy took his hand. But before he knew it, Jeffy had tossed Tator Tot in that cold water, like a raggedy doll. A very shocked Tator Tot, shivered in that icy water.

"You gone stay away from my niece!" Jeffy hissed.

"You ain't got no clear choice." Tator Tot said with his lips chattering.

"Apparently, you seem not to value life." Jeffy growled goin towards Tator Tot.

"Oh cmon!" Tator Tot squealed!

He did best to stand up and get out of the water before Jeffy could officially get his hands on him again.

"You gonna give me a chance." Tator said flipping his dirty blonde hair back off his cherry cheeks. "Whetha you like it or not."

"And whut makes you think so? "Jeffy fussed! "I would rather break every single bone in your body than to see you eva near my niece."

"Well, if that's how you feel."

"You gone stay away from her!" Jeffy threatened!

Tator shook his head... "Nope. I ain't. I won't. My minds made up. For all I care you kin even call me a slimy shrimp on the kabob, but I know whut I want. And you're gonna get her to go out with me."

"Like hell drippin over, I will!"

"See naw, there it is." Tator Tot groaned.

"There whut it is? Your life passing befoe yo eyes?"

"See I tried to come at you in a civilized manna way and have a fair man to man talk. I had my story all planned out to make you see things my way. But looks like I'll jest be talkin till my face is blue."

"Now we agree on some em." Jeffy strongly stated.

"Hmm.. Seems we are at a stand still.  You can say no. In fact you kin jest keep on threatenin me. But befoe you can me see my maker, I bet I can change yo mind." Tator Tot said boldly walking up to Jeffy.

He now stood face to face to Jeffy. So close, Jeffy could smell his hot pepper breath.

"See... you and I... we have somethin in common. Need I remind you of the brooch? Naw see, what we actually agreed upon was, you take the fake brooch and give it to Maple. And let bygones, be bygones. But you pulled a fast one on me, and my Nana, by giving her the fake. I even did as we originally agreed. I returned back to Orchidshire. See I stayed mum, cuz well, in the end, we were both satisfied as we both ended up with the same outcome. To yo benefit, and that of Mrs. Woods, my Nana knows no different. And if you wanna keep it that way... well Jeffy... you gonna convince Maple to go out with me."

"And if I don't."

"Well... if you don't, I jest might have ta convince my sweet and unsuspectin Nana to take down and put that sweet precious brooch of hers on for a spell. I'm sure she is just achin to prance around with that thang in front of yo sister... course Maple. But I kin keep that from happenin. I mean as you can clearly see, I already have. But all I gotta do is say the word... But I ain't gonna. Not yet anyways. If you agree to helpin me. So whatuh you say?" He boldly uttered to a now flamin like hells fire, Jeffy.

If  ever there was a time for Jeffy's piercing blue eyes to ever rip through one soul with just one look, today was that day. And Tator Tot knew it as he nervously gulped. Still... he refused to back down...

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