Hello Mother pt3

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Right as Mrs. Crowder walk out those doors, it seemed like Mrs. Lexington's heart had stopped immediately...

Almost as if her heart stopped watching her daughter leave. It was like she couldn't take the heartache anymore...

It is with sad news, Mrs. Lexington was reunited with Hal...

Mrs. Crowder couldn't believe just like that... her mother was gone. It was after all what she had wanted! At least in that moment. So much so, she went to do it herself. But still that part of her in that mere second where she came to her senses and realized what she had hoped and was even willing to try and do...

Well Mrs. Crowder's heart just burst in that car when she came to the realization that Her mother was gone...

But the worst thing wasn't that she was gone... it was that she felt relief that it was not by her own hands...

Mrs. Crowder remorsefully got out of that car... just wailing and blubbering away...

And just as she did...

"Chester!! Chester!! Come back!"


"She's breathing Chester! She's breathing!!!" One of the servants came hollering like wild!

Mrs. Crowder looked up at Chester, Chester looked at Mrs. Crowder. Mrs. Crowder look up at the sky...Why when she heard that news, Mrs. Crowder gasped! Like she had saw death herself and passed out in that drive smack dab face first.. Luckily for her, the snow softened her fall...

Turns out Mrs. Lexington did pass... and she almost reached Hal, but was suddenly pulled back. If only for a little while longer. Seemed the Lord sent her back! As you could hear the other servant and Chester rejoicing and saying...

Chester: "He wasn't through with her yet!"

For a second they even forgot Mrs. Crowder was there. He looked down and saw her still knocked out cold and face down... he uttered.

Chester: "Welp...Somebody gone have ta carry this woman in. But it ain't gone be me." He said leaving her passed out cold in the snow.

But it was still sad. Even though Mrs. Lexington was alive. Her result was unfortunately, She was more frail than ever. And was now confined to her bed. And sadly it looked like she would be till the end of her days...

When Mrs. Crowder finally came around, she found herself laying in her old bedroom...

She jumped up to rush to find her mother. And sadly enough, her mother was in a deep, deep sleep. And the doctor did not know when she would awake if ever. But he said she had a strong, resilient, spirit and she was still holding on... And it would be a miracle if she ever truly was herself again...

As horrible as the news was, Mrs. Crowder was honestly a little happy her mother was still alive. But the other part... that part her mother saw in her, just hours earlier, why that part of her  came lurking out once again as a measly grin came seething out. As her revenge was now in play...

And this time there was no one who could stop her. Or so she hoped...

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