His Last Resort

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The sun continued to beat down on that day. But nothing was more scorching than the look Jeffy continued to express toward a very bold and anxious Tator Tot.

"Get away from me Tator, befoe I do some em both us will regret." Jeffy snarled.

But Tator Tot wouldn't back down...

"You are one dang, plumb, ripen fart of an idiot to threaten me, boy!" Jeffy growled as he shoved Tator out of his face. "Whut you fail to understand is I can't and won't make Maple try to even go anywhere near you. Sides, whut you're obviously mistaken is, you ain't even her type in the first place!"

"Oh yeah? So whut type is that?" Tator Tot questioned.

"Smart!" Jeffy hissed. "Sides whut in the name of all that is holy, do you want with her? Last I checked, You ain't even seen her, nor talked to her for that matter since that day."

"Well..." Tator Tot replied rubbing at the stubble on his chin. "That ain't necessarily true."

"Whatchu talkin?" Jeffy frowned.

"The truth." Tator Tot answered.

"Pifft! Naw that's a joke." A furious Jeffy mumbled.

"Since we are layin everythang out on the table, I might as well tell you, whut I'm sure you gone soon find out anyways."

Jeffy's stomach groaned at the thought...

"Like I said earlier, I kept my word, and I returned home to my kin in Orchardshire. But you gotta know a fella like me, who is up and growing and ready to change and likes an adventure, well I set out on my own. I went here and I went there... For a time I was content. Nothin was changin my world. Nuthin at all. Till I saw Maple... by that time, if thangs serves me right, she was sweet sixteen to my seventeen plus years. She was sure dang cute on that banana bike of hers just ridin into the town I was residing in at that moment. I admit I watched her for a time in curiosity to see why she was so far away from home and on her own. Guess you can say I was even looking out for her and her well being in a place like that. Ya know I still don't know why she was there. Guess it ain't none of my business." Tator smirked at the thought. "Still I was gone do as I say and not even say a simple howdy do, her way. But hate to break it to ya. She caught me." He laughed tickled at the thought. "I thought sure I was a fried pickle with that look she gave me. Yes suh! But before I knew it, She's the one who approached me and broke the silence. Sure it was to bite my head of and all. But being the charm that I am, some how she warmed up to me. Can't deny, maybe she was feelin sorry for me or somethin that day. I don't know and I found myself not carin much. I was entertained. And those brown eyes had me unda a spell. Next thang I know, I'm spending some sweet time with her."

"You're a downright liar!"

"Perhaps I may lie about some thangs, Mr.Hastings. But this ain't one of them." Tator Tot earnestly replied. "Like I said, She found me. And after that day, I found myself wantin to see her again. And again... and again... Unlike any other girl I ever met, seemed she stole a piece of my heart." He smiled fondly reminiscing. Couldn't get her outta my head. So I did what any fella would do in my situation. Sides I had nothing holding me down. Traveler, you see. So I found my way back to Ponchas. I even took a part time job, just outside of town to a place where I knew you and the Woods wouldn't normally go. On occasion, I would sneak into Ponchas, when I knew you were in Orange Haven course. And I would try my hardest just to get Maple to talk to me again and even look my way. But after that day, she refused. And I have no doubt it was cuz of you, her mama, and course my Nana as well. Cuz of that, she wouldn't even give me the time of day. But I ain't blind. And contrary to your thoughts, I ain't stupid Mr Hastings. I know there's some em there. Perhaps some em bigger than the both of us. And I can't rest till I find out. So you see I know if I'm jest given the clear to talk her. For you to persuade it's alright... Maybe then, I can be at peace. Even if that means she turns me away once and for all cold turkey. I'll walk away.... "If" that is whut she really wants. But__"

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