Mama Woods Takes The Stand pt 1

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The time had finally come for Mama Woods to take the stand to defend herself against Mrs. Crowder's accusations.

The only thing was could Mama Woods even remember or say enough to change the minds of all? Or would she find herself guilty, guilty, guilty, as charged?

As Mama Woods placed her hand on the Bible, Maple looked around the courtroom. She noticed all the eyes on her Mama. She could see the stares that some glimpsed her way in whispers. She didn't even want to know what they were thinking. But still she wondered, who was there for the support of her mama. And who was there, just for the lynching...

Maple saw Andrew still fondly gazing her way... She could see in his eyes, he wanted to apologize about what had previously taken place. But to her surprise she was shocked to see Tator was nowhere in the room. She didn't know exactly how she felt about that. She didn't have time to ponder that. It was no doubt, her main concern was purely all on her mama...

Just as Maple started to put her focus back on her Mama, she felt a soft hand on her shoulder. She turned around to see Josephine and Leslie Anne, both smiled a friends comfort as they assured her they were there for her no matter what...

Maple gazed forward... it was time. Mama Woods was on the stand...

Baliff Sanford spoke... "Please state yo name?"

"My name is Scarlet MayAnne Hastings Woods."

"And do you swear to tell the truth? The whole truth? So help you God?"

"Yes. Help me, God..." Mama Woods stressed.

Taking a seat, she desperately tried to calm her breathing...

"Mrs. Woods?" Mr. Smarten uttered approaching his client.

"Yes.." She nervously uttered trembling.

Mr. Smarten stepped forward and leaned in.

"Just breathe." He softly whispered.

Mama Woods nodded taking a deep breath in.

"Naw Mrs. Woods, kin I call you Scarlet?"

"Course." She smiled.

"Thank you." Mr. Smarten smiled back. "Naw, Scarlet, you are on trial here for the takin of the brooch and fraudulently swapping the original with a fake. Do you understand those charges?"

"Unfortunately I do..."

"Do you agree with the charges of this outlandish accusations?"

Mama Woods hesitated. It was a question she had pondered herself during the whole trial. Did she agree with those charges. Saying yes, meant she felt she was guilty and going to throw her life as she knew it away. It also meant, Mrs. Crowder got what she wanted. The destruction of her family. And saying no meant, she was to fight for her freedom... and her once profound reputation that was now clearly tainted.

Most of all... what did it mean for the brooch?

Mama Woods eyes gazed across at a mug face, sourpuss, Mrs. Crowder who scornfully scowled her way. Then she looked towards her family. She stared at her evidently nervous husband, her concerned brother, Her teary eyed Mama, and her anxious daughters Beth Anne and Annelle. Lastly she looked at Maple. And when she looked at Maple she knew...

"No suh... I do not agree with the charges." She boldly replied.

Mama Woods sat up strong. She braced herself lifting her head high. She was prepared to fight.

"Scarlet, Mrs. Crowder claims that when you were of an age of accountability, that you snuck into her mother's estate in Orange Haven on the day of her wedding to Mr. Rusty Crowder and stole her brooch! Right from her room! Do you recall that day?"

"Yes.. Mama Woods replied. "And no."

"But you were there?"

"I wuz."

"But you don't remember the brooch? And taking it for that matter on that day?"

"No suh."

"Whut do you remember?"

Mama Woods, looked around the room. She gazed towards the judge and jury. And the eyes of query that seemed to singe through her trembling flesh.

She wanted to tell all, she was innocent on all accounts. But after what her mama have divulged... Mama Woods knew that was not a possibility.

Then her mind went to the dream. She so desperately wanted to remember it. Not only as a dream but a true memory...

She wanted to run away and erase the day! Especially the last several months, like it had never happened...

But she knew she had to face this head on. And there was no turning back.

"Scarlet?" Mr. Smarten called out. "Do you need a moment?"

"No." Mama Woods replied.

She slowly started to speak...

"I wuz there." She said recalling the vague memory. "I remember I was warmin by the fire. And carin foe my baby brother. I remember, how he dropped a turd a so big, it could sink a ship."

The crowd laughed. Jeffrey stared mortified. Mama Woods continued on...

"I remember jest wantin to change his diaper and get the funk out. But there were no rags or diapers nearby. Or so I had thought. But then... I recall, lookin in my satchel and Mumma had put an extra one in there. She was always good like that."

Grandmama Hastings slightly gasped. "I did." She said surprised gazing at Jeffy that her daughter remembered.

"Whut else do you recall?"

"I remember thankin, since I found the diaper, I jest needed some rags to clean him up with. But Fred hadn't returned. So I picked up Jeffy and I went to find him. But..."

"But whut?"

"I went up some back stairs of the servants quarters. And I got lost. The house was so big. And Jeffy was gettin a little agitated sittin in his stank. I didn't know where to go. So I remember, I turned back around. I was gone go back the way came in. But when I went back down stairs, the door wouldn't open. It was locked. Jeffy and I were stuck. I had no choice but to go back up. So I did. I went to find another way back to the servants quarters and hopefully by then Fred would have found me. But I stopped."

"And why did you stop?"

"Somethin caught my eye. I found an open room. And I guess at time, bein with a squirmin, and stank baby brother, I found myself jest wantin to clean him up and go."

"And did you?"

Mama Woods couldn't answer that. It was far as her memory took her... She had no more recollection. She knew right then and there she was in trouble. She needed a miracle to help to solve the missing pieces...

But would she get that miracle? Or would Mrs. Crowder finally get her way?

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