The Box

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"With time quickly passing and the second chance meeting between your daddy and I, being thwarted with Magnus around every turnaround... I finally took matters into my own hands. I took that box with me and I took a walk and I mean a long walk and headed to Ponchas Row."

"I didn't know what I was going to find when I got there. Or where to even look for yo daddy. I just knew Magnus would be nowhere around. That was just fine with me. And I prayed to the Almighty, for guidance to lead me in the right direction. I was dreamer, like you, Jeffy." Grandma Hastings smiled at her son. "And I knew I had to do as the good book said. To walk by faith and not by sight. Easier said than done. But that didn't stop me from tryin. However, by the time I had got on the outskirts of Ponchas, I was tired. I ended up at Tonka Lake. I lay myself under a tree. I let them ladybugs play on my skin and let them have their own festival in my raven locks. I held onto snug to that box and I took a nap. I can't say how much time had passed as I dreamt away under that tree. I just know the next thang I saw were yo daddy's eyes starin into mine. Lawd knows how, but He had found me. Course I thought I was still dreamin..."

"You have somethin... that belongs to me." He said gazing at the box.

"Part of me wanted to die. I was desperate to explain. But he never gave me a chance."

"What did he do?"

"That's the thang... he did nuthin. He just helped me up. Took my hand. And took me to his home. Next thang I knew I was havin supper with the Hastings. I still remember sittin there in that dining room with Matthew, his two brothers, their brides, a baby nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Hastings just talkin away. Conversatin like I was always apart of their family. It was an odd feeling to me, because I never felt like a stranger in their home. It was instant that I felt at home like I belonged there. And that I belonged to Matthew. I can even remember when his hand finally brushed against mine. How he held it under the table. The way he looked in my eyes. I just knew. I would be his forever. But I also knew I had one obstacle in front of me. In fact many..."

"How did you know, granddaddy was the one. And in such a short time for that matter?"

"Oh Maple, honey, sometimes you just know. And I knew."

"Was that when you finally discovered that night that daddy was a Hastings? The Hastings that Grandma Hubbard had told you all about?"

"Not exactly..."

"Then when?"

"It was beyond gettin late. They insisted I stay, but I couldn't have my Mumma worrying. So Matthew took me home. I just remember sittin in his car. We were silent, but it was comfortable silence. I can remember the moonlight. The moon seemed to be larger than life. I could hear the locusts singing up a storm and the fireflies lighting their way. Even the sweet enticing smell of the air as the wind joined in dancing in my hair as the windows were down. And the soft humming of Matthew as he would look my way from time to time in those green eyes of his. I never wanted that ride to end. But it did. And far too soon for me. When that car stopped and we were now back in Orange Haven. And I was staring at the Lexington estate... I wanted to take over his car and escape with him. But my Mumma was there. And I would never leave her alone. Still, for a just a moment, seemed we were in pure bliss. Heck I even thought sure he was gone kiss for the first time right then and there. But..."

"Mrs.  Crowder?"

"No. Grandma Hubbard. She was up waiting for me. And when she saw me in that car. And saw that it was Matthew, well she was fit to be tied. I could see the ire in her eyes. She knew exactly who Matthew was. The look she gave me, no words were meant to be said. She walked into the side entrance and slammed that screen door. I knew I had to waste no time and follow. I got out of that car never saying goodnight to Matthew. I just started walking towards the side entrance where I knew she was waitin for me. But just before I could ever reach the door. Matthew came after me. That's when he put that very box, I held hostage for all them days, back in my hand. And it's when he kissed me. Oh did he kiss me. But for your sake Jeffy, I won't go into the explicit details."

"Thank you, Mumma." Jeffy mumbled. But if you need to I can stomach it for naw." He said winking at his mama.

Grandma Hastings was amused as she continued on...

"So he gave you the box back Mumma?" Mama Woods asked.

"Yes. After his lips were still tangled with mine, he whispered, it was kismet. That it always belonged to me." Grandma Hastings sighed.

"What happened with Grandma Hubbard?"

"Oh she was in the servants quarters waitin for me. And she wasn't havin it. It's when I learned who he was. And it wasn't because Matthew was bad man, or his family for that matter. Or even not of my mother's choosing. But it was simply because of the history with the Lexingtons and the Hastings. She said we couldn't be a part of it. She said for peace sake, I was forbidden to be pursued by him."

"But the beef between them didn't involve you Mumma."

"Oh but it did Scarlet love. As I said  yo grandfather Hubbard was off in the war. And the Lexingtons were our only shelter. Grandma Hubbard did what she thought best. Not just for me. But sadly, for the Lexingtons. There was already a war goin on and she didn't want to be near it. She made me swear not to be seen in the light of day with Matthew. I refused. I refused until she reminded me of our current situation. I knew I had no choice. With that, She took that box away from me. She locked it up in the cupboard away from arms reach. Again, She told me I was never to see him again. Course you know I'm stubborn. And that didn't set well with me."

"What did you do?"

"I said not a word. Not one word.  I just waited till she left that kitchen. I took the boobie pin out of my hair. I climbed on that counter. I picked the lock... And I took that box. I took it right back out! Didn't belong to her. It belonged to me. Though it crushed my soul and smashed my heart to smithereens, I temporarily obliged her wishes for the time being in agreein not seein Matthew. But didn't promise not to touch that beautiful box. Naw you know I'm respectable, but it was probably one of them times, I defied her wishes. I left the quarters. But instead of me following her up the quarter stairs, I snuck up them stairs in the main entrance. But not without almost being caught by Magnus. She almost seen that box and I knew it would be the end all. But you know me and my clever ways. Luckily I was able to slide by and return to my room before she could ever get wind."

"How did you get past her without seeing?"

"Did what I knew would distract her. I made her talk about herself." Grandma Hastings snickered. "But that night, as I lay there in my bed, near Mumma, I secretly and sneakily held that box. If that was what was all to be of Matthew, then I was never gonna let it go or let anyone take it away from me ever again."

"So You kept seein Granddaddy Hastings?"

"Not in a round about of way. See I did respect yo Grandma Hubbard's wishes. I never went searchin for Matthew. Ever again."

"But you ended up with him."

"Yes. I said "I" never went searchin for yo daddy. But that didn't mean, he didn't round searchin for me. I just didn't make it easy is all. And neither did Magnus..."

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