Something's Missing

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When Maple and Leslie Anne got off the train that sunny, May afternoon, they were greeted by just about half the town. You would have thought a celebrity was coming home to Ponchas.

Maple did as she said. She moved back home. And Mama Woods, could not have been more delighted.

For the Woods, life seemed to fall back in place as if Maple had never left home.

All seemed wonderful. Ponchas had no doubt, changed just a little in Maple's eyes. It seemed smaller compared to the city life in Aurelia. Nevertheless, she found she was okay with that.

Still, I have to say, to her disappointment, something was still missing...

Everyday after work at Miss Millie's boutique, Maple would stroll by and walk into the Everton woods. It was the longer way home no doubt. But it was the last place she saw the brooch. So every day she would stroll and search in the same area, hoping today would be the day, she would find her precious brooch. But everyday was the same. No brooch. Nonetheless, she never gave up.

Upon coming home one frost bitten evening...

"Landsakes shuga lamb! Shut that door!" Her mama said hollering from the kitchen.

"Sorry Mumma." Maple said stomping her snow boots outside the door before she set a foot in.

"You been taken the long way home again." Mama Woods said shivering from the sudden chill. "Landsakes jest look at yo face. You bout to be a popsicle!"

Mama Woods grabbed Maple's hands and began to warm them, like she did when Maple was a little girl.

"Why do you insist on takin that long way home?" She fussed.

But secretly she knew why...

"Looks like dinna is jest me and you tonight." Mama Woods said walking back into the quaint kitchen. "Yo daddy is still out of town with Clarence foe work."

"Snow storm?"

"Snow storm." Mama Woods said rolling her eyes. "It's beyond me why they decided to drive up to Herbsville knowin a storm was headed their way." She fussed.

"Poor daddy." Maple giggled. "Another night with Clarence."

"Serves him right!" Mama Woods slightly snickered.

Maple started to clean up to help her mama...

"Oh glory alive!" Mama Woods fussed.


"Well I forgot the main ingredient and spices foe the sauce in this casserole! It's ruined naw!" She said plopping the pan on the counter."

"Oh mumma."

"I cannot eat yo granny's famous casserole without that spice foe the sauce."

"You do when you go to granny's."

"Exactly..." Mama Woods frowned. "And you know as well as I do, it's absolutely horrible! Like eatin cardboard! I don't know how yo daddy did it all them years."

"Well you mainly made it for daddy since he's the main one who eats it. And he ain't here so..."

"Doesn't matter." Mama Woods moped. "Jest ruined. And I ain't got nothin else prepared."

Maple giggled. She got up from the kitchen chair and went back towards the living room.

"Whuttya doin?" A disappointed Mama Woods said following her.

"Whuts it look like? I'm taking yo keys and goin to the store." Maple said putting her winter hat on. "I know if I don't I will neva hear the end of it. Sides I'm hongray. And I had my mind set on that casserole. So I'll be back." She said kissing her mama and putting on her coat.

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