She Said Versus She Said

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Welp folks, unfortunately for Mama Woods and Maple, it looked like Mrs. Crowder got what she wanted.

Upon seeing the original brooch in Maple's possession, Sheriff Rosenbaum, had no choice but to sadly take in Mama Woods on account of larceny. He, however, on the wishes of Mama Woods, did not charge, Maple nor Jeffrey. At least for the time being. Mama Woods said it was her and her alone to blame. But Maple wasn't having that! She tried to explain to the sheriff, all that she knew. And that her mama was innocent. But her words only fell on deaths ears. Not because the sheriff wanted to arrest Mama Woods... but because he knew it was either take her in or suffer the wrath of Mrs. Crowder. So he decided to do the former...

When that little town of Ponchas heard about the drama that occurred at the Woods residence, you can rest assure, ears were burning and tongues were wagging with the latest gossip of the town.

"Scarlet Woods Taken In For Robbery!"

Of course many couldn't believe their ears. "Not Scarlet, They said! Why that is the most insane cruel joke one could ever play. But sure enough, Mrs. Scarlet Woods, was now sitting in that cell, waiting for trial...

Now Jeffy had been out of town for some time on business, but when the word spread to where he was, and he heard the news his sister was being held for something he felt he was more guilty of, rest assured, he dropped everything and raced back to her aid.

Jeffy demanded sheriff Rosenbaum, to free Scarlet and put him in her place! He confessed, and admitted that he not only knew of the brooch, but it was him, who recreated the replica.

You would think that the sheriff would have taken in Jeffy as well.... But of course, for reasons unknown, Mrs. Crowder would not press charges against Jeffy. She said she decided to have a heart and leave Jeffy out of the loop. Seeing as he was only protecting his, heathen of a sister. Too much irony in those sentiments one would say. Nonetheless, for the time being, her secret ambition, she thought to herself was, ' I'm gonna get my eggs all in a row. And I will destroy the Hastings, one by one, all in due time.' But first she wanted Scarlet... but mostly Maple...Because with that, she destroyed Olivia all in one...

Mrs. Crowder even paid a visit to Grandmama Hastings. Course she acted like the heartbroken child, as she relayed the message to her childhood '"friend" Olivia...

MRS. CROWDER: "why Olivia, my poor, poor, mother is on her deathbed. Frail as ever. Poor Mumma. Can't help a soul..." She said with a contemptuous grin, if ever...

She knew without her mother's help, Olivia's hands were tied.

Mr. Woods was beside himself... he couldn't believe his wife was sitting in jail, for a crime, he knew just couldn't believe to be true. He refused to leave his wife's side for anything. In fact, the sheriff felt so bad for Mr. Woods, that he gave him a cell beside her. Not for imprisonment. But to be near his love...Mr. Woods was free to go as he pleased. But he dare not leave her side...

You would think it was a she said versus she said type scenario, seeing as what was the proof that Scarlet actually stole the brooch, except on here say. But unfortunately, that picture Tator once showed Jeffy at Lake Tonka, was all the evidence that was needed to let the trial go forward. With that, it looked like Mama Woods, was nothing but guilty. Because if you recall.. the picture had, Mrs. Crowder's father with that brooch and the words, "The Property of Halbert Roy Lexington."

Tator regretted ever placing it back as he thought...

TATOR: "If only I could turn back time."

But sadly he couldn't... Maple did everything, she could to free her mama. She fought hard. When visiting time came, she tried and tried along with Grandmama Hastings to get her mama to remember the day, she fell. But those memories seemed to be gone.

In the following weeks, a jury was selected. And it was time for Scarlet Woods to face the court...

Now, more than ever, Maple felt alone. But she wasn't giving up... and neither was Mrs. Crowder for that matter. She had everything she wanted. Everything, except for her grandson back. Without him, her vengeance felt hollow... So she made another visit, back to the Woods residence, where she found a very miffed Maple...

But before Maple could attack...

"I come in peace!" Mrs. Crowder uttered to a very vexed Maple.

"Get off my property Mrs. Crowder! Or so help me__" Maple roared.

"Naw how you like that? I come tryin to help."

"Help? Have you lost your everlastin mind?!?" Maple fussed. "You ain't done nuthin, but destroy my loves! And you did it with joy! And for whut? Have you no heart? Get away from me, woman!"

"I have plenty of heart." She fussed back. It is yo mumma, that destroyed it all. Why I know, you know she stole that brooch without so much as an inklin of remorse. Why just ask yo Mumma. Or should I say the one who knows it all, yo not so innocent grandmama."

"I'm warning you, Mrs. Crowder." Maple growled. "If you know whut is good for you... you will leave my presence now. Or they will find a cell for me right beside my Mumma. But they won't find you." She uttered talking through her teeth.

Mrs. Crowder deeply gulped.

"I'll leave. And you heed your elders young lady." She said fidgety. "But before I do..."

Maple started to walk into her house...

"Hear me child. Hear me loud and well." Mrs. Crowder warned. "I will not take away these charges I have brought up against your Mumma. She is after all guilty. However, I will return her life and freedom as much as I can... for one thang... for you..." She uttered with dark eyes. "You are to never lay eyes on my grandson again. And to make sure, you are to accept Andrew's proposal. And leave Ponchas, forever. And perhaps with that, and the return of "my" brooch, then perhaps, we can come to an arrangement..."

Maple slammed that door on Mrs. Crowder's face so hard, it was as if she got whiplash from that blast! But the words, Mama's freedom.. echoed in her ears. Her freedom, for Tator...

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