In The Beginning

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(So I forgot that this episode is all Dean. So what I'm going to do is doing in 3rd Person and go along with the episode, with some things added in this. Hope you enjoy!)

*3rd Person POV*

In a motel, Dean and (y/n) were fast asleep. (Y/n) was on her side, her back to Dean's chest as he had her close to him, his left arm under her neck and his right arm drapped over her waist and his chin placed on the space where her neck and shoulder connected.

Sam, who was wide awake, gets up then pauses as he looks at them before leaving the room. A car pulls up and Sam gets in the passenger side, Ruby is driving. "Ready?" She asked him. "Definitely." Sam said and they drive off.

As he sleeps, Dean is dreaming and sees flashes of his terrified face, in red, and the sound of screams. He wakes, suddenly, to find Castiel sitting on his bed. "Hello, Dean. What were you dreaming about?" Castiel asked, plainly, then Dean looks over at (y/n), who didn't wake up. "She won't wake." Castiel said and Dean looks back at him.

"What did you do to her?" He asked, angrily. "Just put her in a deep sleep." Castiel said, plainly, and Dean glares at him. "What do you want?" he asked, annoyed. "Listen to me. You have to stop it." Castiel said. "Stop what?" Dean asked then Castiel puts two fingers to Dean's forehead.

"Move it buddy –" a voice ordered and Dean wakes up to see that he is outside on a bench, the voice belonging to a cop. " can't sleep here." said the officer. "Okay...sleep...where?" Dean asked with a groan as he sits up. "Anywhere but here." The officer said and he walks away.

Dean tries to make a call on his cell, but gets no signal. "Perfect." He growls and gets up. Moments later, he enters JAY BIRD's DINER and sits at the diner's counter next to a young dark haired man.

"Hey, where the hell am I?" Dean asked him. "Jay Bird's Diner." the man said. "Yeah, thanks. I mean, and state." Dean said. "Lawrence, Kansas." The young man replied and Dean is taken aback. "Lawrence." He said, shocked.

"Hey, you okay buddy?" The man asked Dean, concerned. "Yeah, tough night." Dean said as he shakes his head. The young man turns to the waiter and said. "Hey, uh, coffee here, Reg." 

"Okay, coming right up." Reg said while Dean pulls his cell phone from his pocket. "Can you tell me where I can get reception on this thing?" Dean asked and the man gives him a confused look. "The USS Enterprise?" The man asked with sarcasm. Dean looks at REG as he brings the coffee over and noticed he is dressed in 1970s hippie gear.

"Thanks...nice threads. You know Sonny and Cher broke up, right?" Dean said after accepting the coffee. "Sonny and Cher broke up?" The young man asked then Dean looks around the diner and notices everyone is dressed in 1970s-era clothes. He looks at the newspaper the young man is reading. The headline reads Nixon accepts resignation of top… and the date is Monday, April 30, 1973. Dean mouths the words Seventy three as another Man enters the diner.

"Hey, Winchester." the man calls out and Dean and the Young Man look around. The Man shakes the hand of the Young Man. "Son of a bitch. How you doing, Corporal?" The man asked. "Hey, Mr. D." The young man greets.

"I heard you were back." said the older man. "Yeah, a little while now." The young man said. "Good to have you home, John, damn good." The older man said and Dean's eyes widen at this, shocked.
"Dad?" he mutters.

"Well, say hello to your old man for me." the man said to John. "You got it, Mr. D." John said and he turns and notices Dean staring at him. "Do we know each other?" John asked him. "I guess not." Dean said then John gets up to leave. "Take it easy, pal." John said after putting Dean's shoulder then walks off. "Yeah." Dean said, his mind still reeling at what just happened.

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