What Is And What Should Never Be

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*3rd Person POV*

Dean was driving down the road when his cell phone rings. "Yeah?" He said once he answers his phone. "There's a cop car outside." (Y/n) replied as her and Sam look out the window of the motel room to see a cop car outside.

"You think it's for us?" Dean asked her. "I don't know." She said, a bit nervous "I don't see how. I mean we ditched the plates, the credit cards." Dean said just as the cop car drives away. "They're leaving. False alarm." (Y/n) said, relieved. "Well, see. Nothing to worry about." Dean said.

"Yeah, being fugitives? Frigging dance party." She said with sarcasm and he chuckles a bit as (y/n) and Sam stand in front of a table, covered in books about a specific demon called Djinn, and on top of them is John's journal, open on the same subject.

"So you got anything yet?" She asked Dean. "Are you kidding me? How could I? You and Sam got me sifting through like 50 square miles of real estate here." Dean said. "Well, that's where all the victims disappeared." She replied.

"Yeah well, I got diddly-squat. What about you guys?" Dean asked. "Just one thing. We're pretty sure of it now." (Y/n) said as she pulls one book closer. "We're hunting a Djinn." She said. "A freaking genie?" Dean asked, shocked. "Yeah." She said.

"What? You guys think these suckers can really grant wishes?" Dean asked. "I don't know. I guess they're powerful enough. But not exactly like Barbara Eden in harem pants. I mean, Djinn have been feeding off people for centuries. They're all over the Koran." she said. "My God. Barbara Eden was hot, wasn't she? Way hotter than that Bewitched chick." Dean said and (y/n) sighs, exasperated.

"Are you even listening to me?" She asked, annoyed, then he clears his throat. "Yeah. So uh, where do the Djinns lair up?" He asked. "Ruins usually. Uh. Bigger the better – more places to hide." She replied. "You know, I think I saw a place a couple miles back. I'm gonna go check it out." Dean said. "Wait – no, no, no, no, no. Come pick us up first." (Y/n) said.

"Naw, I'm sure it's nothing. I just wanna take a look around." Dean said and he hangs up the phone. (Y/n) lowers her hand with the phone in it and sighs while Sam gives her a concerned look.

The Impala pulls up and almost comes to a stop in front of an old factory. Dean gets out then enters the factory, with a flashlight, swinging open a creaky door. He walks through what appears to be an abandoned office, with typewriter, file cabinets, etc. There's a dripping water sound, but otherwise it appears empty to him.

He looks back and forth in it a few times, and then starts walking back the same direction he came from but this time in the hall. On his right, among all the old things but what Dean doesn't know is that a figure, nearby, is watching him. He doesn't see it and walks on.

Suddenly, it attacks him, pinning him against the window wall. Dean drops the flashlight and the Djinn slams Dean's right hand up against a wall, forcing him to drop his knife.

The Djinn opens its left hand, which begins to glow blue, at the same time that the its eyes begin glowing. The Djimm puts its glowing hand on Dean's forehead and Dean's eyes roll up, and take on a faint blue hue.

Dean wakes up, bare-chested, and wearing a necklace that is not the amulet. He looks around to see a tv was on, playing some old movie. Then he looks to his left to see a nude woman lying next to him, but she had her back to him. He leans over to get a look at her, only to be shocked when he sees that the woman was (y/n).

He gets up, quickly, then looks around for a moment before he goes to get dressed and begin to walk around the apartment.

Sam, in another location, gets a phone call on his cell. He sees it's Dean and looks a little worried. "Dean?" Sam answered. "Sam?" Dean said, worried. "What's going on?" Sam asked. "I don't know. I don't know where I am." Dean said.

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