I'll See You Soon, Dean

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*(y/n)'s POV*

John was at the wheel, Sam behind him, Mary shotgun, and Dean and I in the back, me sitting between the boys. "Monsters. Monsters?" John asked, disbelieving. "Yes." Mary said, looking down.

"Monsters are real." John said, still disbelieving. "I'm sorry, I didn't know how—" Mary started to say then John talks over her. "And you fight them? All of you?" John asked then he looks at me and the boys through the rear view mirror. "Yeah." Sam replied then John looks over at Mary.

"How long?" he asked. "All my life." Mary replied, sadly, then John lets out a sigh. "Does (f/n) and (m/n) know about this?" He asked her. "(M/n) doesn't but (F/n)...he's fought them too. We've teamed up from time from time." Mary said and John looks beyond angry.

"John, just try to understand—" Mary said then Dean speaks up. "She didn't exactly have a choice—" he said. "Shut up, all of you! Look, not another word, or so help me, I will turn this car around!" John yells at us, kinda sounding like a dad. The car goes silent and I look between the boys. "Wow. Awkward family road trip." I muttered and Dean scoffs out a laugh. "No kidding." Sam said.

Minutes later, we pull up to an old house and Mary gets out and leads the way inside, flipping on a lightswitch as she passes it. The place is very ill-maintained. "Place has been in the family for years." Mary said and she flips up a round carpet, revealing a familiar sigil.

"Devil's trap. Pure iron fixtures, of course." she explains and she turns on another lightswitch. "Um, there should be salt and holy water in the pantry, knives, guns." she said. "All that stuff will do is piss it off." Sam said.

"So, what will kill it? Or slow it down, at least?" Mary asked him. "Not much." I said and Mary laughs. "Great." she said. "She said not much, not nothing. We packed." Dean said and he thumps the duffel bag down on the table and rummages in it.

"If we put this up and she comes close—" Dean said and he shows Mary a paper with the angel-banishing sigil. "—we beam her right off the starship." Dean said as Mary looks at it. "Mm." she mutters. "This is holy oil. It's kind of like a, like a devil's trap for angels. Come on. I'll show you how it works." Sam said as he holds the jar then he leaves. Mary looks at John then she follows Sam.

Then John looks over at me and Dean. "Hey, what's the deal with the thing on the paper?" he asked us. "It's a sigil. That means—" Dean goes to explain. "I don't care what it means. Where does it go?" John asked, interrupting. "On a wall or a door." Dean said and John nods. "How big should I make it?" he asked and I sigh.

"John—" I said but he shakes his head. "What? Y'all might have treated me like a fool, but I am not useless. I can draw a damn—" he said and he picks up the paper from next to a large knife. "—whatever it is—a sigil." John said. "Why don't you go help Sam out? Okay? 'Cause this has got to be done in...it's got to be done in human blood." I said and at that moment,  John picks up the knife, unsheathes it, and slices his left palm open.

"So, how big?" John asked as I stared at him. "I'll show you." Dean said before he laughs a bit. "What?" John asked. "All of a sudden, you...you really remind me of my dad." Dean said and I give a small smile towards them as I leave.

Later, Dean and I walk in a room to see Mary pouring Holy Oil. She looks up once she hears our footsteps. "Okay. You said you'd explain everything when we had a minute. We have a minute. Why does an angel want me dead?" Mary asked Dean. "'Cause they're dicks." Dean said, plainly, and Mary laughs.

"Not good enough. I didn't even know they existed, and now I'm a target?" She said. "It's complicated." I stated and Mary sighs. "Fine." she grumbles and she stands up. "All ears." she said. "You're just gonna have to trust me, okay?" Dean said. "I've been trusting you all day." Mary argues. "It's kind of hard to believe." Dean said and Mary glares at him. "All right, then. I'm walking out the door." she said and she begins to turn away.

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