Need Permission

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Dean is kneeling at a safe, from which he pulls out the Colt. A man, Daniel Elkins, appears with a shotgun pointed at Dean's back. "Hold it right there, friend. Drop the gun, be on your way." Daniel threatens. Dean pretends to lay the Colt on the top of the safe, but instead points it at Daniel. "Can't do it, Daniel." Dean said.

"Who the hell are you?" Daniel asked him. "A hunter, just like yourself." Dean tells him. "Thief's more like it." Daniel growls. "I just need it for a few days." Dean said to him. "Not happening, mister." said Daniel. "Look, I have a chance to save my family's lives. My family. But I need this gun to do it. So if you want to stop me? Kill me." Dean said and he lowers the Colt and walks slowly toward the door past Daniel.

Then he turns to look at Daniel, who begins to lower his gun. "There's some hunters in Lawrence, the Campbells." Dean said. "Never heard of them." Daniel said. "That's where she'll be." Dean said and he begins to leave.

Meanwhile, at the Campbell house, Mary and Samuel are sitting at the dining room table cleaning guns when Mary turns to her dad. "Dean say where he was going?" she asked. "Said he was gonna kill a demon." Samuel replied and Mary chuckles. "Kill a demon? That's impossible." She said. "Yep." He dad mutters.

"Where?" She asked. "Uh...oh, I don' know, over in Haleyville, uh, Walsh's maybe." He said, shrugging, and Mary looks up at him. "Wait, not Liddy Walsh?" She asked, worried. "Well, yeah, I- I- I think so." He stutters. "Dad, she's a friend of mine! We gotta help her." She exclaims as Deanna walks to the door of the room, and sees Mary getting up.

"What's wrong?" she asked. "I'll be in the car." Mary replied as she walks off. "Hey –" Deanna said but Samuel speaks up. "I mean, she wants to hunt, she doesn't want to hunt, is this some female time of month thing?" He asked and Deanna sighs and walks back into the other room. "What?" He asked, wondering what he said wrong.

At the Walsh house, Liddy is sitting on the sofa with Dr.Brown as he looks her over. "I'm sorry, Liddy, it's metastasized." He said to her. "Where?" Liddy asked. "His liver, his lungs. It's time we talked about arrangements." said Dr Brown. "No, you have to do something, Dr. Brown." She pleads and he looks at her.

"There is one way, a cure actually, but I'll need your help." he said. "What do I have to do?" she asked. "Nothing. Just in ten years, I'm going to come to you and ask for something then." he said. "What?" she asked him. "Nothing you'll miss." Dr. Brown says as his eyes turn yellow.

The door bursts open and Samuel enters then shoots Brown in the chest while Liddy screams. Brown's eyes open and Samuel cocks the shotgun again. Brown waves his hand and Samuel's shotgun flies across the room. Then Bornw waves his other hand and Samuel flies backwards and gets pinned to the wall behind him.

"Oh, God." Liddy exclaims. "Hold that thought." Brown said and he approaches Samuel. "You son of a bich." Samuel said. Brown leans in to Samuel, but turns around abruptly. Mary is standing behind him with a raised knife. He grabs Mary by the throat.

"Hello there." he greets as Mary slices him with the knife. "Where the hell have they been hiding you?" Brown asked as Mary keeps attacking. Brown grabs her arm and she drops the knife then she punches him. "I like you. You got a lot of spunk." Brown said and Mary kicks him. He grabs her leg, then slams her against a wall.

"Mary!" Samuel shouts and Dean bursts in with the Colt drawn. Brown pulls Mary in front of him as a shield. "Let her go!" Dean yells while Brown looks at Dean, shocked.

"Where'd you get that gun?" he asked and Dean cocks the Colt and nods to Mary, who breaks away from Brown. Black smoke pours from Brown's mouth and goes out a vent in the wall. "Damn..." Dean growls.

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