Swap Meat

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"Dean and Sammy Winchester. And (y/n) (l/n)." Donna greets us after we pulled up to her white two-story house. Her and her teenage daughter, Katie, lead us into the sitting room and they sit on one sofa, next to a coffee table, and me and the boys sit on the other side of the table in another sofa.

Donna sets the plate of cookies on the table which also held a pitcher of lemonade. I take a cookie as she looks us over. "So, how long has it been?" she asked us. "The summer before 6th grade." Sam said. "Mmm, I remember. You two assigned yourselves your own reading list." Donna said as she pointed at me and Sam. "That’s right. I forgot about that." Dean chuckles then I look over at Katie.

"Your mom happens to be the best babysitter we ever had." I said to her, honestly. "Well, when I was a maid at the Mayflower, out on the interstate – long before you were even an idea – their Dads' used to pass through town and leave these three with me while they went off to...work. One time, they were gone for two weeks." Donna explains to Katie.

"Two weeks?" Katie asked, confused. "Mm-hmm. Oh, they'd always come limping back. John loved you boys and (f/n) loved you, (y/n)." Donna explained. "Did you know what they did all that time?" Katie asked her. "Little Sammy kept trying to tell me. Of course, I didn't believe him. Not at first, anyway." Donna said.

"Katie, our dads', um, happened to be an expert at getting rid of ghosts. And now, so are we." Sam said to Katie. "That's why I called them, sweetie. They can help us." Donna tells Katie as Donna's husband comes into the room, carrying suitcases.

"Sounds like you guys got yourself a poltergeist." Dean said. "Started a month or two after we moved in." the man said. "Yeah, first it was, uh, just bumps and knocks and scratches on the walls. And then it started breaking things." Donna said. "And then it attacked Katie?" I asked her. "That was two nights ago." Donna's husband replied and Donna turns to Katie.

"Can you show them, honey?" she asked and Katie stands up and lifts her shirt, revealing words cut into her skin. “Murdered Chylde.” Sam reads. "Katie, everything's gonna be fine. I promise. Why don't you guys take yourselves a little vacation, and, uh, we'll take care of it." Dean assures them and Donna sighs. "Thank you." she said, appreciatively.

Later, we stop at a fast-food restaurant to get some food. Sam was sitting at a table while Dean and I wait at the counter for our order. Then a young teen boy, with dark hair and short and skinny, comes up with a tray of our food. "Uh, bacon burger turbo, large chilli-cheese fry, uh, a chicken sandwich, large fries, uh, and a Health Quake Salad shake?" The kid said and he looks up at us, confused by that last order.

"We know. We know. It's, uh…" Dean said then he clears his throat. "...it's not ours." Dean said and we accept the tray and take it over to the table. After getting our respective food, Dean and I sit opposite Sam as he adds dressing to his salad shake and shakes it, very thoroughly. 

"Oh, you shake it up, baby. You know that's what momma likes." I teased and Sam gives me a look while Dean chuckles. "Sometimes, I wonder about you." Sam said to me. "You shouldn't, I'm around you two twenty-four seven." I said and Sam scoffs. 

"You know, poltergeist aside, Donna looked pretty good, don't you think?" Dean asked and I turn my head to him. "Don't tell me you've still got the hots for our babysitter." I said to him, questioning. "What? No. That's weird." Dean said before he chuckles. "Dean, I know how you are." I said and he clears his throat. "No, I'm just saying that she, you know, she – she's – she's doing good. You know, with her husband, her kid. This whole Amityville thing being thrown at them, and they're hanging tough." he said and I raise an eyebrow at him.

"Yeah." Sam mutters. "You ever think that you'd want something like that? Wife, rugrats, the whole nine?" Dean asked him and Sam shakes his head. "What? You don't think about coming home from a long hard day at work and see a few kids running up to you? And then this sweet, loving woman comes up to you and gives you a welcome home kiss?" I asked him. "No, not really my thing anymore." Sam said and I frown. "Yeah." Dean said and I look down.

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