He's Coming

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*3rd Person POV* 

Dean kept attempting to call Sam again while (y/n) paces the room. "So your visions are back?" Dean asked (y/n) as he tries to call Sam. "I guess...I honestly didn't get much except for the words, St. Mary's." (Y/n) said as Dean listens into his phone but could hear only static. "You can't reach him, Dean. You're outside your coverage zone." Castiel said as he appears behind the two and they turn to him.

"What are you gonna do to Sam?" Dean asked him. "Nothing. He's gonna do it to himself." Castiel said. "What's that supposed to mean?" (y/n) asked and Castiel looks down. "Oh, right, right. Got to toe the company line." Dean grumbles and he sighs.

"Why are you here, Cas?" He asked him. "We've been through much together, you and I. And I just wanted to say, I'm sorry it ended like this." Castiel said to him. "Sorry?" Dean said, disbelieving, then he punches Castiel, who hardly flinches. (Y/n) jumped a bit at this while Dean turns and flexes his hand in pain. "It's Armageddon, Cas. You need a bigger word than sorry." Dean yells at him.

"Try to understand -- this is long foretold. This is your..." Castiel started to say but Dean talks over him. "Destiny? Don't give me that holy crap. Destiny, God's plan...It's all a bunch of lies, you poor, stupid son of a bitch! It's just a way for your bosses to keep me and keep you in line! You know what's real? People, families -- that's real. And you're gonna watch them all burn?" Dean yelled.

"What is so worth saving? I see nothing but pain here. I see inside you. I see your guilt, your anger, confusion. In paradise, all is forgiven. You'll be at peace. Even with Sam and (y/n)." Castiel said and Dean glares at him. "You can take your peace...and shove it up your lily-white ass. 'Cause I'll take the pain and the guilt. I'll even take Sam as is. It's a lot better than being some Stepford bitch in paradise. This is simple, Cas! No more crap about being a good soldier. There is a right and there is a wrong here, and you know it." Dean said and Castiel turns away.

"Look at me!" Dean shouts and he grabs Castiel's shoulder and turns him back to face him. "You know it! You were gonna help me once, weren't you? You were gonna warn me about all this, before they dragged you back to Bible camp. Help us -- now. Please." Dean said, gesturing between him and (y/n).

"What would you have me do?" Castiel asked him. "Get us to Sam. We can stop this before it's too late." (y/n) said. "I do that, we will all be hunted. We'll all be killed." Castiel said. "If there is anything worth dying for...this is it." Dean said and Castiel shakes his head and looks down. "You spineless..." Dean said as he turns and walks away. "…soulless son of a bitch. What do you care about dying? You're already dead. We're done." Dean said.

"Dean --" Castiel mutters. "We're done!" Dean yells at him and he turns to look behind him, but (y/n) was the only one standing there.

Castiel was standing at a riverfront, staring out at the water as he thinks over what Dean had said. He started to feel some sort've emotion after the argument he and Dean just had. And Castiel had no idea what else to do or where to go after this.
He lowers his head then sighs. "Ariel..." he mutters, as if she could hear him. He wasn't for sure if she'd come but he needed to try; to help Dean, Sam and (y/n), he needed her help. Castiel looks upwards towards the sky and begins praying, hoping that Ariel will hear it.

“Ariel, you were right, I regret taking my order. I know they are wrong but still I follow them. As you said it, I’m scared. I’ve been a loyal servant of Haven for so long, that idea of thinking for myself is terrifying. I wish I could go back to how things were before." Castiel said before he sighs again. "Before I raised Dean Winchester out of hell. Everything seemed so much simpler. But I can’t, I’m here now and I know that keeping Dean and (Y/n) from Sam is wrong. Not just wrong, dangerous. You’re brother, Lucifer should never be released. He and Michael will destroy this beautiful planet. Destroy God’s greatest creations. I can’t turn a blind eye anymore…I don’t want to. The first time we spoke, you said no one can tell me what to do. No one but myself. But please…just this once. Give me advice on what to do. Please help me.” he said, a bit desperately, and he looks around himself but doesn't see her.

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