I'm Batman!

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"All right, Bobby, thanks. Hey, we owe ya. Another one." Dean said into his phone as we pull up to a hotel. "All right, Bobby's got it on pretty good authority that this Bela chick...lives in Queens. So it'll take me about two hours to get there." Dean said to us.

"So what are we doing here?" Sam asked Dean. "You, my brother, are staying here 'cause I don't want your bad luck getting us killed." Dean said as we pull up to a parking lot.

Dean unlocks the door and leads Sam and I inside, turning on a light. "What am I even supposed to do, Dean?" Sam asked. "Nothing! Nothing. Come here. I don't want you doing anything. I want you to sit right here..." Dean said as he pulls a chair into the middle of the room. "...and don't move, OK? Don't turn on the light, don't turn off the light. Don't even scratch your nose." Dean said and I look over at him. 

"Do you want me to come with you?" I asked Dean. "No, I think it'd be better if you stay here and watch over him." Dean said and I nod at him. "Okay, well...please be careful." I said and I go to kiss him. He kisses me back then he goes to leave and closes the door behind him.

I look over at Sam and see him sitting the chair, looking down. I give a small frown before I sit down on one of the beds and turn the TV on to at least have some entertainment.

Later, I went into the bathroom for a bit but then I heard Sam exclaimed, despairingly. "Oh come on, I- I didn't- I wasn't..."

"Sam, what's wrong?" I asked and I walk out of the bathroom to see him messing with the air conditioner unit. "Sam, what are...?" I started to ask when I noticed that his jacket sleeve was on fire. "SAM!" I screamed and he sees his sleeve and panics. I run towards him to help but then as I got close to him his elbow hits me in the face and I fell to the floor, pass out.

I groan and open my eyes when I realized that I was duct taped to a chair. "Oh, they're awake!" An unknown male voice said and I look up to see two men standing before me. "Back with us, eh?" One of the guys said, smiling. I turn my head to the left and see Sam was tied up as well and waking up.

"We didn't even have to touch either of you. You just went all..." the first guy said to Sam as he wiggles. "...spastic, and knocked your friend and yourself out? It was like watching Jerry Lewis try to stack chairs!" The guy said.

"Who are you, What do you wa-" Sam started to ask but the second guy snaps his fingers in Sam's face. Sam and I look at him, confused. "I used to think your friend Gordon sent me." The second guy said and Sam and I look up at him, shocked. "Gordon?" We said, shocked, then I sighed. "Oh come on!" 

"Yeah, because he asked me to track both of you down, and put a bullet in both of your brains." The second guy said. "Great." Sam mutters and I scoff. "That sounds like him." I said. "But, as it turns out...I'm on a mission from God." The guy said then he strikes Sam across the face. "Hey! Leave him..." I started to say but the other guy hits me across the face too.

After the two men beat both Sam and I up for a bit, one of them throws a couple of glasses of water in our faces. We shake the water off of us while the second guy watches, sitting on one of the motel beds.

"You two were a part of that demon plan to open the gate weren't you?" He asked us. "We did everything we could to stop it." I replied. "Lie lie lie! Both of you were in on it. You two know what their next move is too, don't you?" The guy said, obviously getting annoyed at us. "No, we don't, okay? You're wrong about all of this." Sam said to him.

"Where are they gonna hit us next?" The guy asked us. Sam and I sigh and we stay silent and the other guy strikes us again. "WHERE?!" The first guy yells and we don't answer him. "Gordon told me about you two. About your powers. Both of you are some kinda weirdo psychic freaks?" The guy asked. "No, not any more. We – no powers, no visions, nothing, it just—" Sam said as I nod in agreement

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