Pamela's Sacrifice

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Tessa goes into the kitchen, the boys and (y/n) follow her, and she turns around. "You don't remember me?" Tessa asked Dean. "Honestly, if I had a nickel for every time I heard a girl say that...You're gonna have to freshen my memory." Dean said then Tessa steps forward, reaches up, and pulls Dean down into a kiss.

(y/n) was shocked by this and glares at the woman then clears her throat and Tessa pulls away. "Sorry, it's the only way he'd remember me." She said and Dean stares at her for a moment. "Tessa." he said, his voice full of recognition. "That's one of my names, yeah." she said.

"So, you do know her." (y/n) said the Dean. "From the hospital after the accident." Dean said. "The accident with Dad?" Sam asked and Dean nods. "So, this is the reaper that came after you." (y/n) said. "Yeah." Dean said and Tessa turns to look at Sam and (y/n).

"Well, this was fun." She said then she turns back to Dean. "Now, if you'll excuse me—" she said as she moves to turn away but Dean stops her. "Wait, wait, wait, wait, you can't—you can't take the kid." he said. "Why?" she asked him as she turns to him.

"Demons are in town, that's why. They've already snatched your reaper pal. The kid knows where." Dean said. "So?" Tessa said. "So, you should shag ass. For all we know, they could try and snatch you, too." (y/n) said to her. "Except that this town is off the rails." Tessa said as Mrs Griffith comes out of the dining room, picks something off a side table, puts up her hair, and leaves. 

"And someone has to set it straight." Tessa said. "Yeah, we understand that, but these are special circumstances." Dean tells her. "What? Your whole angel-demon dance-off? I could care less. I just want to do my job." Tessa said, annoyed.

"Right, yeah, and, look, we want to help you do your job. So, if you would just bail town—" Sam tries to explain but Tessa shakes her head. "No." she said, firmly. "Well, then, could you hold off until we fix this? Please." Dean said and Tessa sighs. "All right, but just so we're clear, when I start reaping again, I'm starting with the kid." she said

"Understood. (Y/n) and I'll find him." Sam said and he and (y/n) turn to go upstairs. "Wait, wait, wait, wait. What—What are you gonna say to him?" Dean asked them as they turn to him. "Whatever we have to." Sam said and he and (y/n) leave up the stairs while Dean and Tessa watch them go.

Sam and (y/n) enter Cole's room and look around then Sam noticed Cole was sitting inside the closet. "This all must be pretty overwhelming, huh? Pretty scary, too." Sam asked as he sits down next to the open closet and (y/n) kneels down to Cole.

"The worst is my mom." Cole said. "Must be hard seeing her like this." (y/n) said and Cole leans out of the shadow. "She's always coming in here, talking to me, telling me how sad she is. I knock some stuff over to let her know I'm here, but...she only gets sadder." Cole said. "Well, you might want to ease up on the flying soccer balls." (y/n) said, chuckling a bit.

"I'm not telling you where the smoke is." Cole said and Sam thinks while (y/n) frowns. "Hey. What if I told you that if you helped us, you wouldn't have to leave here? Ever?" Sam suggested and (y/n) looks over at Sam. "What about the one downstairs?" Cole asked him. "Tessa? Oh, she wouldn't bother you. No reaper would. You could just stay here with your family for as long as you wanted." Sam said and Cole looks at him, surprised.

"You can do that?" He asked Sam. "Yeah, you bet I can do that." Sam said. "You swear?" Cole asked and Sam hesitates. "I swear." he said and Cole looks over at (y/n), as if to confirm what Sam said. And (y/n) nods.

"I'll tell you, life is funny." Tessa said as her and Dean hang around the kitchen. "What do you mean?" Dean asked her. "You and me, together again." she replied. "Are you—are you making a move on me? Cause I gotta tell ya..." he started to say and Tessa shakes her head at him. "You're the one that got away, Dean. You'd be surprised how little that happens to me." She said and Dean looks down.

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