Max Miller

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In the morning, Max leads the boys and I in his house, the boys were in their priest outfits and I was back in my nun outfit. "My Mom's resting, she's pretty wrecked." Max said to us. "Of course." Dean said as we walk into the living room. "All these people kept coming with like, casseroles? I finally had to tell them all to go away. You know cause nothing says I'm sorry like a tuna casserole." Max says as he gestures towards the row of casseroles in the kitchen.

We smile at Max, who smiles back at us. Then be gestures to the lounge and we all take seats. There is a moment kf silence, then Sam sighs. "How you holding up?" Sam asked, softly. "Ok." Max replied. "You're dad and your uncle were close." I said and Max shrugs. "Yeah I guess. I mean, they were brothers. They used to hang out all the time when I was little." He replies.

"But not lately much?" Sam asked. "No, it's not that. It's just....we used to be neighbors when I was a kid, and we lived across town in this house. Uncle Roger lived next door, so he was over all the time." Max replied and i couldn't help but feel that he was hiding something.

"Right. So how was it in that house when you were a kid?" I asked him. "It was fine. Why?" He asked me, in slight fear. "All good memories? Do you remember anything unusual? Something involving your father and your uncle maybe?" Dean asked and Max shakes his head. "What do ya....why do you ask?" He asked.

"Just a question." Dean said. "No, there was nothing. We were totally normal. Happy." He said and I raise an eyebrow at this. "Good. That's good. Well you must be exhausted. We should take off." Dean said as he looks over at me and Sam. "Right." I said and Sam turns to Max. "Thanks." He said. "Yeah." Max mutters and we leave the house.

"No one's family is totally normal and happy. See when he was talking about his old house?" Dean asked once we walked down the street and towards the Impala. "He sounded scared." Sam said. "Yeah Max isn't telling us everything. I say we go find the old neighbourhood, find out what life was really like for the Millers." I suggested and Dean nods. "Couldn't have said it better myself." He said and we get in the Impala.

After changing back to our normal clothes, Sam, Dean and I stand on the footpath of the another suburban neighborhood, talking to a man in his front yard. "Have you lived in the neighborhood very long?" Sam asked the man. "Yeah, almost 20 years now. It's nice and quiet. Why, you looking to buy?" The man asked. "No, no, actually, we were wondering if you might recall a family that used to live right across the street I believe." I said to him.

"Yeah, the Millers. They had a little boy called Max." Dean said. "Yeah I remember. The brother had the place next door. So uh, what's this about, is that poor kid ok?" The man asked. "What do you mean?" Sam asked as we give the man curious look. "Well in my life I've never seen a child treated like that. I mean I'd hear Mr Miller yelling and throwing things clear across the street, he was a mean drunk. He used to beat the tar outta Max. Bruises. Broke his arm two times that I know of." The man replied and my jaw drops slightly at this.

"This was going on regularly?" I asked him. "Practically every day. In fact that thug brother of his was just as likely to take a swing at the boy but the worst part was the stepmother. She'd just stand there, checked out, not lifting a finger to protect him. I must have called the police seven or eight times. Never did any good." The man said. "Now you said step-mother." Dean said, curiously. "I think his real mother died. Some sorta...accident. Car accident I think." The man said then I place my hand to my head, grimacing.

"Are you two ok there?" The man asked and I look over and see Sam was doing the same as me. "Uh, yeah." We winced. "Thanks for your time." Dean said and he tries to lead Sam and I away. "Yeah, thank you." Sam said as I give a nod and we start to walk away. "God." I groaned as I look up and felt like the world was spinning.

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