A Biblical Swarm

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The next morning, I approach the bathroom door, where I can hear the shower running, and knock on it. "You ever comin' out of there?" I call out through the door. "What?" Dean's voice asked. "Dean, a police call came in on the scanner." I said to him. "Hold on." He said as I hear the shower turn off.

"Someone was found dead three blocks from here. Come on." I said, annoyed, then the bathroom door opens. Dean stands there, in the steam-filled room, with a towel on his head. "This shower is awesome." He said with a smile and I rolled my eyes while trying not to look at his exposed chest. "Come on." I said then I walk away, so he doesn't see my face turning red.

We pull up to this house and get out of the car. The three of us approach Larry, who is finishing talking to someone on the phone. Then a body is carried out in a body bag on a stretcher. "Hello. You're, uh, back early." Larry said to us once we got close to him. "Yeah, we just drove in, wanted to take another look at the neighborhood." Dean said.

"What's goin' on?" I asked Larry. "You guys met, uh... Lynda Bloome at the barbeque?" Larry asked. "The realtor." Sam said and Larry nods. "Well, she, uh...passed away last night." Larry replied after he bites his lips. We looked at him in shock.

"What happened?" I asked him. "I'm still tryin' to find out. Identified the body for the police. Look, I-I'm sorry, this isn't a good time now." Larry said, upset, and we nod at him. "It's okay." Sam said, calmly. "Excuse me." Larry said, sadly, and he leaves us.

"You guys know what we have to do, right?" Dean asked us. "Yeah." Sam said, nodding. "Get in that house. See if we got a bug problem." I said and Dean nods.

A few minutes later, we climb over the fence, up the side of the house, and through Lynda's bedroom window. We see the outline of her dead body was drawn on the carpet. "This looks like the place." Dean said as we walk over to another part of the room. I pick up a towel, and drop it when I see it is covered in dead spiders. "Spiders. From Spider Boy?" I asked them. "Matt - maybe." Sam said, shrugging.

Later, we pull up at the curb and see, across the street, Matt geting off a school bus and begins to walk. "Isn't his house that way?" Dean asked as he points in the opposite direction. "Yup." Sam replied. "So where's he goin'?" I asked as we get out of the car and begin to follow Matt.

We find him in the woods, examining a grasshopper. "Hey, Matt. Remember us?" Sam asked as we approach him. He jumps and turns to face us. "What are you doin' out here?" He asked us. "Well, we wanna talk to you." Dean said. "You're not here to buy a house, are you?" Matt asked and Dean shakes his head. "W-wait. You're not serial killers?" Matt asked, making the boys and I laugh.

"No, no. No, I think you're safe." I said to him once we stopped laughing. "So, Matt... you sure know a lot about insects." Dean said. "So?" Matt said. "Did you hear what happened to Lynda, the realtor?" I asked him. "I hear she died this morning." Matt said. "Mm, that's right. Spider bites." Dean said. "Matt... you tried to scare her with a spider." Sam said.

"Wait. You think I had something to do with that?" Matt said as he looks between us. "You tell us." I said to him. "That tarantula was a joke. Anyway, that wouldn't explain the bee attack or the gas company guy." Matt said and we look at him, our brows furrowed.

"You know about those?" Sam asked and he nods. "There is somethin' going on here. I don't know what...but something's happening with the insects. Let me show you something." He said and he picks up his backpack and beings walking with us to another area.

"So, if you knew about all this bug stuff, why not tell your dad? Maybe he could clear everybody out." I said to him. "Believe me, I've tried. But, uh, Larry doesn't listen to me." Matt said. "Why not?" Sam asked him. "Mostly? He's too disappointed in his freak son." Matt replied and Sam scoffs at this. "I hear you." He said and Dean turns him. "You do?" Dean asked him. Sam turns and gives him a look while I just shake my head.

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