Sam, Interrupted

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*(y/n)'s POV*

"You were referred to me by a Dr. Babar in Chicago." Dr Fuller said to me and the boys after he read through some files and looks up at us. "That's right." Dean said. "Isn't there a children's book about an elephant named Babar?" Fuller asked. "I don't know. I don't have any elephant books. Look, Doctor, I-I-I think the doc was in over his head with this one." Dean said and he points at Sam. "'Cause my brother is..." he said and makes a crazy sign, circling his finger at the side of his head and whistling.

"Okay, fine, thank you. That's-that's really not necessary." Fuller said, raising his hand. Then he grabs his file and notepad. "Why don't you tell me how you're feeling, Alex?" Fuller asked Sam, who sighs. "I'm fine. I mean, okay, a little depressed, I guess." Sam replied and Fuller writes in his notepad.

"Okay. Any idea why?" Fuller asked him. "Probably because I started the apocalypse." Sam said and that seems to catch the doctor's attention. "The apocalypse?" Fuller said, confused. "Yeah, that's right." Sam said and Fuller looks at me and Dean.

"And you think you started it?" Fuller asked Sam as he turns to look at him again. "Well, yeah, I mean...I killed this demon, Lilith, and I accidentally freed Lucifer from hell. So now, he's topside, and we're trying to stop him." Sam said and Fuller looks at me and Dean again, like he couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Who is?" Fuller asked us as he nods to Sam. "Me. A-and them." Sam said as he points at us. "And these two angels." He said. "Angels? You mean, like an angel on your shoulder." Fuller said. "No. One of them is named Castiel. He wears a trench coat." Sam said. "And the other is named Ariel. She has bright orange hair."

"Isn't that the name of the Little Mermaid?" Fuller asked and Sam shrugs as I bite my lips, holding back laughter. Then the doctor goes back to taking notes. "See what I mean, Doc? The kid's been beating himself up about this for months. The apocalypse wasn't his fault." Dean said and Fuller looks at him. "It's not?" Fuller asked. "No. There was this other demon, Ruby. She got him addicted to demon blood, and near the end, he was practically chugging this stuff." I said and Fuller looks at Sam, who looks ashamed.

Fuller then looks back at me and Dean. "My brother's not evil. He was just...high...yeah? So, could you fix him up so we can get back to traveling around the country and hunting monsters?" Dean asked and the doctor puts up a finger for us to wait. He picks up his phone and dials an extension. "Irma...cancel my lunch." he said and hangs up as Dean pats Sam comfortingly on the shoulder.

"Doctor Fuller would like to keep you three under observation for a couple of days." The nurse tells us as she leads us down the hallway. "The three of us? Me and her, too?" Dean asked her as he gestures between me and him. "Yes, Sugar. The doctor thinks that would be best." the nurse said and the boys and I give each other victorious smiles.

"Alright, I'm just gonna give you a little check-up." the nurse tells me as she wraps a blood pressure cuff around my right arm. "Do whatcha gotta do." I said, sighing, as she checks my blood pressure then she removes it and puts the tool away. 

"Alright, pull down your pants and hop up on that table." The nurse said and I, quickly, raise my head towards her. "Wait, what? What for?" I asked, panicked, and the nurse grabs a glove and snaps it on, smiling at me. And I felt really uncomfortable.

Later, I walked out of the room and see Dean leaning against the back of a couch, wearing patient scrubs, shoes and blue robe which is similar to the ones I'm wearing. Sam was standing in front of Dean and it looked like it they were talking. Both of them look up at me as they hear my footsteps, my arms folded against my chest and my shoulders hunched.

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