Mordechai Murdock

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We were driving by that old house when we noticed an ambulance and cop cars surrounding the place. Dean pulls over and we walk out of the car and walk towards the house just as they bring out stretcher, which was covering a body.

"What happened?" Dean asked a man, who walked out of the house. "A couple of cops say a girl hung herself in the house." The man said and we look at him, shocked. "Suicide?" Sam asked. "Yeah. She was a straight A student, with a full ride to UT too. It just don't make sense." The man said before he walks away.

"Whaddaya think?" I asked the boys as I turned to them. "I think maybe we missed something." Dean said and Sam nods.

That night, we come back to the house only to see a police car parked outside and two cops were walking around. The three of us crouch down into the bushes. "I guess the cops don't want anyone else screwing around in there." Sam said to us. "Yeah but we still gotta get in there." Dean said just as I hear some whispers that didn't belong to us.

I peek out from our hiding place and see Ed and Harry creeping up towards the house. "I don't believe it." I groaned and the boys look over and see them, hunched over and wearing all sorts of gadgets, whispering and shushing each other.

"I got an idea." Dean said to me. Then he rises slightly, turns towards the cops and cups a hand to his mouth. "Who ya gonna call!" He shouts and we see Ed and Harry looking around, shocked. "Hey! You!" The cops yelled and the two idiots began to run away while cops chased after them, which made us laugh.

Seconds later, we make a break for the house and enter just as we break out the rifles. Dean pulls out a flashlight and looks around until he settles the light on that symbol. "Where have I seen that symbol before? It's killing me!" Dean exclaims in frustration. "I know! I've tried to rack my brain but....nothing." I said to him as he and I look at the symbol. "Come on, we don't have much time." Sam said to us and we follow him.

We go down to the basement and look around. I see a shelf with lots of jars full of something and apparently so did Dean. He spies the jars and picks one up for a closer look, the pale red liquid sloshes around inside.

"Hey Sam. I dare you to take a swig of this." Dean said and I shake my head. "What the hell would I do that for?" Sam asked him as he continues to look around. "....I double dare you." Dean said to him. Sam just shakes his head and looks away.

Dean grins then looks at me. "Hey, (y/n), I dare you to drink it." He said and I look at him. "Not just no, but hell no. You drink it." I said when suddenly a noise alerts us. We jumped then move toward a cabinet. At Dean's nod, Sam opens the door and rats squeak and run from the flashlight.

"Arghh! I hate rats." Dean said in disgust as he and I raise up our foot. "You'd rather it was a ghost?" Sam asked him. "Yes." Dean shouts then he looks over at me and his eyes widen. "(Y/n)!" Dean shouts. I turn around and see Mordechai coming at us with an axe. 

Sam and I shoot him a couple of times but he's still there. Dean shoots him again and Mordechai mists away. "What the hell kind of spirit is immune to rock salt?" I asked them. "I dunno. Come on. Come on, come on!" Dean shouts and we run.

As we run toward the stairs, Mordechai smashes his axe down, which catches the shelves and bringing the jars crashing down on Dean. Then Mordechai and Sam begin fighting. "Go! Get outta here!!" Sam said just as we run and Mordechai smashes the electrical box, making sparks fly everywhere. 

We bolt for the door and burst out and fall through the emergency tape. We roll down the steps and spring immediately to our feet and kept running.

Just as we make it out, we see Ed and Harry standing in front of us, holding up a camera. "Get that damn thing outta my face!" Dean shouts as he shoves them away. "Go go go!" I shout as we run off and head back to the car.

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