Be Careful What You Wish For

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*(y/n)'s POV*

Dean was asleep, tossing and turning as he usually does, while I was awake doing some research and Sam was getting us some food. "Dean, wake up!" I shout and he wakes up, sitting up very quickly. "What? I'm up. What?" Dean asked and I eyed him. "Sleep well?" I asked him. "Yeah." He said then he drinks from a whiskey bottle on the floor next to the bed. "Tan, rested, and ready." He said and I sighed and slam my hands down on the table.

"Dean, come on, honey. You think I can't see it?" I asked him, angrily. "See what?" He asked as he turns to me. "The nightmares, the drinking. I'm with you 24/7. I know something's going on. And Sam knows something's going on too!" I said. "(Y/n), please." Dean pleads.

"Uriel wasn't lying, but you are. You remember Hell, don't you?" I asked as I stand up and walk towards him. "What do you want from me, huh? What?" Dean asked me, angry, as he spreads his arms out to the sides. "The truth, Dean. I mean, I'm your girlfriend. I love you more than anything. I, I just wish you'd talk to me." I said, desperately. "Careful what you wish for." he said, with sarcasm, and I roll my eyes. "Cute." I sneered.

"Seriously, Dean, we used to talk all the time. But...ever since you came back..." I started to say but Dean talks over me. "Come on, can we stow the couples therapy, huh? We're on a job. I want to work. What do you got?" He said and I stare at him, then I cross my arms across my chest. "Dean..." I plead but he shakes his head. "Please?" He asked me and that's when Sam walks in with our food, then he looks between us.

"I'm interrupting something, aren't I?" He asked and I sighed. "No, Sam. You're good." I said then I turn to Dean. "Consider the conversation tabled, but not over." I said to him and he sighs, annoyed, while Sam sets the food down and we begin to grab our respective orders.

"So...what were you able to gather, (y/n)?" Sam asked me while Dean turn to the paper after a few minutes of silence. "We got teddy bear, uh, lottery guy, invisible pervert guy. They all must have wished sometime in the last two weeks. But who wished first, and how are we supposed to know who else wished for what when?" I asked Sam then Dean holds up the paper he has.

"Well, it helps when they announce it in the paper. Goes back a month." He said and he sets the paper down and a picture of the couple I've been seeing around with an announcement under the picture. "Wesley Mondale and Ms. Hope Lynn Casey have announced their surprise engagement." Sam reads. "Ah, true love." Dean said, sarcastically, and I chuckle. "Best lead we got." I said.

"Wes! You didn't tell me that you called the florists for the wedding." Hope said as she leads us into hers and Wes' house. "Huh?" Wes said, confused, as he looks up at us. "You're the best! Mmm! Ah!" Hope said as she hugs him and kisses him. "I'm gonna go get my folders." She said as she walks away.

"Uh, o-- Okay." Wes said then he looks up at us. "Wesley, how's it going?" Dean asked him. "It's" he said as he starts to stand up but noticed our gun holsters then he sits back down. "Aren't you the guys from the health department?" He asked us. "Yeah. And florists on the side." Sam said. "Plus FBI." I added. "And on Thursdays, we're teddy bear doctors." Dean said.

"Huh?" Wes said. "Doesn't matter who we are. What matters is what we know." Dean said as I look around the room and noticed some coins on a table. "So, coin collector, huh, Wes?" I asked him. "Oh. Yeah. My...grandfather gave them to me." He said. "Did you happen to lose one of those coins lately? And by lose, I mean drop into a wishing well at Lucky Chin's and make a wish on it?" Dean asked him. "No, I - I don't know what you're, uh, talking about." Wes said, nervously, then Hope comes back with lots of papers and folders.

"Okay, now. I have a lot of ideas, but, you know, we don't have all the money in the world. Wes is between jobs right now. Means more time for me. You know, I'm thinking a Japanese-y ikebana kind of thing." She said, happily, as Wes gets up from his chair. "Yes. I can see it." Dean said. "Yeah. So, Hope, uh, tell us how you two lovebirds met." Sam said to her and she smiles, brightly.

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