Next Time...We Go With My Plan

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Sam and I had been drawing devil's traps on the floor with spray paint while the others line the windows with salt. Dean had gone out to his car to get the weapons but minutes later Dean comes in and shouts. "They're coming! Hurry." He shouts and black smoke hits a window and Nancy screams. Nancy, Sam, Dean and I run to the main office area, where Henriksen is. Dean tosses a couple of guns to me and Sam.

We see the smoke surround the windows and the lights in the main room flicker and it becomes darker. Nancy clutches the cross she wears around her neck while dust rains down from the ceiling as the building shakes. I reach out for Dean's hand and the two of us hold each others hand until the smoke seemed to disappear and it becomes quiet again.

"Everybody okay?" Sam asked everybody. "Define okay." Henriksen said then Dean let's go of my hand and pulls open a small brown bag. "All right, everybody needs to put these on." Dean said and he gives each of them a protection necklace. "They'll keep you from being possessed. There you go." Dean said as he gives Amici, Henriksen and Nancy one.

"What about you, (y/n) and Sam?" Nancy asked which prompted the boys and I to pull down our shirt collars, showing our matching protection symbol tattoos on our chests. "Smart. How long you had those?" Henriksen asked us. "Not long enough." I said.

Later, Dean and I were loading our guns with salt bullets when Henriksen speaks up. "Shotgun shells full of salt." he said and I nod. "Whatever works." Dean said. "Fighting off monsters with condiments." Henriksen said as he takes off his tie. "So turns out demons are real." He said as he starts filling his rifle with salt shells. "FYI, ghosts are real too. So werewolves, vampires, changelings, evil clowns that eat people." I said and he looks at me. "Okay then." He mutters.

"If it makes you feel better, Bigfoot's a hoax." Dean said as he smiles. "It doesn't." Henriksen said before he sighs. "So, how many demons?" He asked us. "Total? No clue. A lot." Dean said, shrugging.

"You know what my job is?" Henriksen asked. "You mean besides locking up the good guys?" I asked, sarcastically,  and he glances at me. "We have no idea." Dean said. "My job is boring, it's frustrating. You work three years for one break, and then maybe you can save few people. Maybe. That's the payoff. I've been busting my ass for 15 years to nail a handful of guys and all this while, there's something in the corner so big. So yeah…sign me up for that big, frosty mug of wasting my damn life." He said.

"You didn't know." Dean said. "Now I do." Henriksen said. He pauses then asked. "What's out there? Can you guys beat it? Can you win?"

"Honestly, I think the world's gonna end bloody. But it doesn't mean we shouldn't fight. We do have choices. I choose to go down swingin'." Dean said. "Plus you got nothing to go home to but your brother and your girlfriend." Henriksen said and Dean looks over at me and both of us smirk at each other. "Yeah." Dean whispers before he nods.

"What about you? You rockin' the white picket fence?" I asked Henriksen, curiously. "Mmm-mm, empty apartment, string of angry ex-wives. I'm right where you guys are." He replied with a chuckle. "Imagine that." Dean said and I huff a laugh.

Suddenly, there was a crash and Dean, Henriksen and I run into an office, followed by Sam. Ruby had broken in and was standing in the devil's trap. "How do we kill her?" Henriksen asked as he aims his rifle at her. "We don't." Sam said as he lowers Henriksen's rifle. "She's a demon." Henriksen yells. "She's here to help us." Sam said. "Are you kidding?" Amici said as Ruby stands near the window, breathing heavily. Dean and I sigh in exasperation.

"Are you gonna let me out?" She asked and Henriksen looks at me and Dean. Sam scratches the devil's trap on the floor with his knife so Ruby can get in. "And they say chivalry's dead. Does anyone have a breath mint? Some guts splattered in my mouth while I was killing my way in here." Ruby said as walks passes everyone into the main office.

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