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*(y/n)'s POV*

"We still got the hex bags. I say we head back to the panic room." Dean said. "What, forever?" Ruby asked. "I'm just thinking out loud!" Dean shouts. "Oh, you call that thinking?" Ruby said. "Hey! Hey, hey, hey. Stop it." Sam and I shout as we get in between them. "Anna's grace is gone. You understand? She can't angel up. She can't protect us. We can't fight Heaven and Hell. One side maybe, but not both. Not at once." Ruby shouts.

"Look, there is a safe house of mine not far from here, we could head over there now." I suggested to them.

"Um...guys? The angels are talking again." Anna interrupts and we turn to her. "What are they saying?" Sam asked her as she closes her eyes. "It's weird...Like a recording...a loop. It says, Dean Winchester gives us Anna by midnight, or..." she said then stops. "Or what?" Dean asked and she opens her eyes and looks over at him. "...or we hurl him back to damnation." She finished and my eyes widen in fear.

"They...they can't do that!" I shouted, angrily, and Sam turns to Anna. "Anna..Do you know of any weapon that works on an angel?" he asked her. "To what? To kill them?" Anna asked and Sam nods. "Nothing we could get to...Not right now." she replied.

"Okay, wait, wait. I say we call Bobby. We get him back from hedonism." Dean said and Sam turns to him as I pace the room. "Dean, what's he gonna tell us that we don't already know?" He asked Dean. "I don't know, but we got to think of something!" Dean shouts and I stop in my tracks as a light bulb goes off in my head. "I think I have an idea." I said and they all turn to me.

"You sure this plan's gonna work?" Dean asked me as we head up the stairs in the safe house. Ruby and Sam were in the dining area, reading some books, and Anna was wandering outside.

"It's the best with what we can do. Given the circumstances." I said as I take a few steps ahead. "But what if it fails?" He asked me and I stop, for some reason this hit a nerve with me, and I turn to him. "Why are you doubting me? If Anna was the one who came up with it, you'd be all over it." I sneered and he furrows his brow at me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked me and I scoff. "Oh, c'mon, Dean...ever since Anna came along and you found out she was an angel, you've been all over her." I accused. "No, I haven't." He said, defensively. "Oh, really? You seemed pretty chummy with each other back at Bobby's." I yelled and he gives me frown. "I'm sorry, Dean, it's just...I find it odd that you won't talk to me, your girlfriend, but yet you'll talk to a random angel who you just met." I said and he gives

"It isn't what you think, (y/n). You know I would never hurt you." He said. "Oh really?" I asked, sarcastically, as I fold my arms across my chest. "Then what is it, Dean? Cause here's what I'm gathering. Ever since you came back, you've slowly been pulling away from me to the point where you won't talk to me unless it's about a job. And now we get involved with the job of a fallen angel and you've been getting close to her the more time you spend with her." I said and he looks at me for a moment then lowers his gaze.

Him being silent was alarming to me. "You're not even gonna deny it?" I asked, my voice shaking with tears. He stays silent then looks up at me. "(Y/n), I..." he stops and I sigh at this. "Whatever Dean." I grumbled then I head upstairs, walk into a bedroom and slam the door shut behind me.

*3rd Person POV*

Dean was studying a book over the Impala, thinking over the argument he and (y/n), when Anna comes up to him. "Hey. Holding up okay?" he asked her and she sighs. "Trying." she said. "Yeah." Dean mutters. "A little scared, I guess." she replied and Dean goes back to reading the book but still had his mind over the argument.

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