The Kids Are Alright

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"What do you mean you don't think it will work, Bobby? It's a demon-dispelling ritual." Sam said into his phone as he looks over his laptop while I sit across from him at a diner. "Well, maybe we got the translation wrong." Sam said as I look through my own laptop for anything. "Look, we can't just let Dean fry in hell while we—...Well, there's got to be something that w—." Sam said just as I hear footsteps.

I look over and see Dean coming over to us and I clear my throat at Sam. "Oh, ah, yeah, no, ah, I..I gotta go. Uh. Okay. Never mind." He said and he hangs up the phone quickly while Dean comes over, looking suspiciously at Sam.

"Hey. Who was that?" Dean asked him. "Ah, I was just ordering pizza." Sam replied, quickly, and I glance up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Dude, you do realize that you're in a restaurant?" Dean said as he looks around. "Yeah. Yeah. Oh, yeah. I...just felt like pizza, you know?" Sam replied and he smiles, tight-lipped and reeking of insincerity.

"O-kay, Weirdy Mcweirderton." Dean said and he clears throat as he goes to sit next to me and places an arm around my shoulder.

Suddenly, my phone goes off and I go and pick it up. "Hello?" I answered. "(Y/n)? It's Elijah." The familiar voice said and I look up. "Oh, hey, Elijah! How are you?" I asked him and both boys look over at me, mainly Dean who looked a bit suspiciously. "I'm doing, you still working your job, right?" He asked me. "Yeah, yeah...everything okay? That spirit come back?" I asked. "No, no. But...I think there is something weird going on here and I think I need your help....again." Elijah said, a bit nervously.

"Okay, you still living in the same house?" I asked him. "No, I live in Cicero, Indiana." He replied. "Oh, big move for ya from Florida." I joked and he chuckles. "Yeah. I'll text you my address. So, I'll see ya later then?" He asked. "Yeah, see ya." I said. "Good, see ya." Elijah said and I hang up my phone and see the boys staring at me.

"What?" I asked them. "Elijah? Who's Elijah?" Dean asked me and I smirked at him. "Why you ask? You jealous?" I asked him. "No, but I'm very curious as to why a random guy has called my girlfriend?" Dean asked and I laugh. "Okay, Dean don't be jealous, it's not a good look on you." I teased and Dean glares while I hear Sam snickering.

"Anyway, I met Elijah when Dad and I were doing a job about a vengeful spirit. As we were doing this job, Elijah and I got close and we dated for awhile but we eventually parted ways. I hadn't heard from him in like years. I was like sixteen when we dated." I explained.

"What did he want?" Sam asked me. "He said he might have a job for me...or us, I should say, where he lives." I replied. "Where does he live?" Dean asked me. "Cicero, Indiana." I said and Dean has a shock look on his face and the color drains from his face.

"What's wrong, Winchester?" I asked him and he swallows. "Nothing. Everything's fine. It's just I knew a girl that lived there about eight years ago." He replied and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Oh, you afraid I'll run into an ex-girlfriend of yours?" I asked him and he swallows a bit. "Maybe." He said and I laugh. 

"Dean, don't be nervous...I mean, you're about to met one of my ex-boyfriends, if you're wanting to come with that is. Plus what are the chances I'd meet her?" I said and he shrugs. "You're right. Let's go see what you old boy-toy wants." He said and I roll my eyes.

"Maybe when we finish seeing what Elijah has for us, we could go look her up. Her and I could swap embarrassing stories about you." I said and Dean groans and shakes his head while I laugh then lean up and kiss his cheek.

Later, we pull up to Cicero Pines Motel and Dean stops to let Sam out. "Don't wait up for us, Sammy." Dean said and he starts to drive off as Sam was still pulling his bag out of the car, teasing Sam. "Wait, Dean. Dean, you...Dean! " sam said, annoyed, and I turn to Dean and give him a disapproving look. 
"Dean." I said and he sighs then stops as Sam gets the rest of his stuff out. Once he got his stuff out, Dean drives off.

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