A Wraith

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*(y/n)'s POV*

Dean opens the door and he and I walk in to see Sam sitting on his bed. "You okay?" Dean asked Sam as we approach his bed. "No. No, I'm not okay. I--I am...awesome..." Sam said, giggling. "They give you something?" I asked him. "Oh, yeah. They gave me...everything. It's spectacu-lacular." Sam said before he laughs. "You always were a happy drunk." Dean jokes

Then Sam grows serious and grabs Dean's arm, pulling him down to eye level. "Dean...the doctor...wasn't a wraith." Sam said. "We know." I tell Sam, who looks at me with a comically stunned look. Like he was surprised that we'd know that. "I don't understand it. I mean, I saw it in the mirror. It wasn't human." Dean said, thinking. "Or you're seeing things. Maybe-maybe-maybe you're going crazy." Sam said. "I'm not crazy." Dean said, defensively. "Well..." I said, feigning to be thinking, then he turns to me. "Shut up!" He tells me.

"Well...come on. I mean, you've been at least...half crazy for a long time, and since you got back from hell, or since before that, even. I mean, we're in a--we're in a mental hospital." Sam laughs. "Maybe-Maybe you finally cracked! You know, maybe now you are really...for real...crazy..." Sam continues.

"I made a mistake, that's all. (Y/n) and I'll find the thing." Dean said. "Okay. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I know. I know." Sam said as he puts a hand on Dean's shoulder. Dean then looks at Sam's hand. "It's okay. Hey, hey. Look at me." Sam said and Dean looks at him. "It's okay...because you're my brother...and I still love ya." Sam said and Dean nods then Sam pokes Dean's nose and said. "Bop!" 

I start to laugh as Dean stares at him. "Can we keep this Sam?" I asked Dean and he turns and glares at me while I continue to giggle.

We leave Sam's room and Dean and I share a look. "What do we do now?" I asked him. "I think we should split up and look for this Wraith." Dean said and I nod then we split up.

*3rd Person POV*

Later, Dean was walking down the hallway and through a door when Dr Cartwright, his doctor, comes up next to him. "You missed our session today." she said to him. "A little busy." Dean grumbles to her. "Still hunting that wraith?" she asked him. "People are dying." Dean states. "People die all the time." Cartwright said. "Look, lady, why don't you just let me do my job, maybe save your life." Dean growls. "It's not my life that I'm worried about." she said.

"Oh, my G--I am fine, okay?" Dean yells, exasperated, as he stops and turns towards her. "I'm fine." He said while an orderly, who is sorting laundry down the hall, looks up at him, but goes back to his job. "Come on, even you don't believe that. All this pressure that you're putting yourself under, all this guilt; it's killing you. You can't save everybody. You can't." she said then her voice becomes hard.

"Hell, these days, you can't save anybody, Dean." she said then she turns to leave. "What did you say?" Dean asked and she turns back to him. "The truth, Dean. You got Ellen and Jo killed. You shot Lucifer, but you couldn't gank him." she said and Dean begins to get confused and a little afraid. "You couldn't stop Sam from killing Lilith, and--oh, yeah--you broke the first seal. All you do is fail. Did you really think that you, Dean Winchester with a GED and a give-'em-hell attitude, were gonna beat the devil?" Cartwright asked and Dean starts to get a little more afraid.

"Please. The world is gonna burn, and there is nothing that you can do about it." she said. "Who are you?" Dean asked, softly. "How do you know that stuff?" he asked, his voice rising. The orderly sorting laundry looks up again. "Hey, settle down." the orderly said but Dean ignores him.

"Tell me!" Dean yells at Cartwright. Then the orderly walks around his cart and begins to approach Dean. "I said, settle down." the orderly said. "Who are you?" Dean asked Cartwright again, quietly, then he backs away from her a little and looks at the orderly.

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