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The next morning, Sam and I entered the motel room to see Dean typing furiously on the laptop. "What's up?" Dean asked us. "That girl Lanie, her Mom's ghost spooked her out pretty bad last night." I replied. "That sucks." Dean mumbles as he continues to type. "Yeah it does. What are you doing?" Sam asked.  I think Dad's right. I think the demon is here. Check it out." Dean said and he hands us some papers and goes to his bag.

"What is this, weather reports?" Sam asked as I read over him. "Omens. Demonic omens. Electrical storms everywhere we've been for the past two weeks." Dean replied. "Ahh...I don't remember any lightning storms." Sam said. "Yeah, me either." I said. "Well, I don't remember you guys studying meteorology as a kid either. But I'm telling you, that bastard's been tailing me...wearing some poor dude's meat." Dean growls.

"And it's following you because..." I said, skeptical. "I guess I'm big game, you know. My ass is too sweet to let outta sight." he said, smiling a bit. "Okay. Sure." Sam said as I roll my eyes. Then Dean snatches the papers back. "Don't get too excited, guys. Might pull something." he snaps at us.

"Dean, look, Sam and I wanna believe this man, we really do..." I said but then Dean turns to us. "Then believe it! if we get this sucker, it's Miller Time." He yells. "Yeah, that's another thing. Dad rattles off an exorcism that can kill a demon? I mean not just send it back to hell, but kill it?" Sam asked, questioning. "I've checked it out. This is heavy duty Dark Ages. Fifteenth century." Dean said.

"Yeah, we've checked on it too, Dean. And so did Bobby." I said. "Okay, and?" Dean said, annoyed. "Look. It definitely is an exorcism, okay, there's just no evidence it can kill a demon." Sam tells him. "No evidence it can't." said Dean.

"Honey, come on..." I said, exasperated. "Hey, as far as I'm aware the only one of us who has actually been to hell is Dad. And maybe he picked up a couple of tricks down there, like which exorcisms work." Dean said. "Maybe it does. we hope it does too, but we gotta be sure." Sam said.

"Why aren't we sure?" Dean asked us. "'Cause (y/n) and I don't know what's going on around here, Dean! I mean, some guy blows his brains out, a little girl is scared out of her wits." Sam exclaims. "Wow, a couple of civvies are freaked out by some ghosts. News flash guys, people are supposed to be freaked out by ghosts!" Dean shouts and we stare at each other for a long moment.

Sam sighs and Dean drops his head in frustration. "John tell you where to find the demon?" I asked Dean. "I'm waiting on the call!" Dean shouts as he holds up his phone. "I told Lanie (y/n) and I would stop by." Sam said. "Oh, good yeah. No you go hang out with jail bait. Just, uh, watch out for Chris Hansen. Meanwhile I'll be here getting ready to, you know, save my life." Dean said, sarcastically, and Sam and I keep moving toward the door.

"You're unbelievable, you know that? I mean for months we've been trying to break this demon deal. Now Dad's about to give us the freaking address and you can't accept it? The man is dead and you're still butting heads with the guy, Sam!" Dean shouts and we turn to him. "That is not what this is about." Sam said, firmly. 

"So what is it!?" Dean asked, angrily. "The fact is we've got no hard proof here, Dean. After everything, you're still just going on blind faith!" Sam shouts. "Yeah, well maybe! You know, maybe that's all I got, okay?" Dean shouts and we stare at each other again before Dean looks down.

I sigh then walk up to Dean then placed my hand on his cheek. He raises his head and I look into his green eyes. "Please. Just please, don't go anywhere until we get back. Okay, Dean? Please." I begged. Dean remains silent and I give him a sad look before I lean up and kiss his cheek. I give him one last look before I turn around and head out the door with Sam.

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