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Later, after getting these red Cooper Carnival jackets, the boys and I spread out on the grounds and, surreptitiously, scan around the area with our own EMF reader. I couldn't find anything so I wander around, while picking up trash, until I come up towards Sam.

He told me that he got off the phone with Dean minutes ago and said that he thinks that maybe the ghost isn't attached to an object but its remains. We stand around and act like we're working when Dean, finally, approaches us.

"What took you so long?" Sam asked him.

"Long story." Dean replied.

"Mommy, look at the clown!" A little girl's voice said and we look over to see her pointing at something. "What clown?" The girl's mom said and we look to where she was pointing but didn't see anything. "Come on, sweetie, come on." The mother said as she drags her away while Dean, Sam and I share a look.

That night, we were on stakeout outside the family's home. "Dean, I cannot believe you told Papazian about the homicidal phantom clown." I said to him, referring to the blind man. "I told him an urban legend about a homicidal phantom clown. I never said it was real." Dean said as he pulls a gun and cocks it.

Sam grabs at it and pushes Dean's hands down. "Keep that down!" Sam said and Dean scoffs. "Oh, and get this. I mentioned the Bunker Brother's Circus in '81 and their, uh, evil clown apocalypse? Guess what." He said. "What?" Sam and I asked. "Before Mr. Cooper owned Cooper Carnival, he worked for Bunker Brothers. He was their lot manager." Dean said.

"So you think whatever the spirit's attached to him. Cooper just brought it with him?" I asked. "Something like that." Dean said then he shakes his head and sighs. "I can't believe we keep talking about clowns." He mutters.

Later that night, Sam and I sit there in the car while Dean was passed out. Then I noticed a clown coming out of the woods and walking towards the house. I look over at Sam and we share a look before Sam shakes Dean awake.

We run towards the house and enter inside. Then we come up to the hallway and see the little girl taking the clown towards the back. Sam leaps out and grabs the girl, who starts screaming, as Dean and I shoot the clown in the chest. It falls on its back, then gets up as Dean and I cock our shotguns again.

"Sam, watch out!" I shout as the clown leaps out the window, turning invisible as it runs away. The parents come rushing out and scream at us then Sam let's go of the girl and we run the hell out of that house.

The next morning, we parked the minivan off the side of a road and started digging out oir belongings, including the license plates. "You really think they saw our plates?" Sam asked. "I don't wanna take the chance. Besides, I hate this friggin' thing anyway." Dean said and we start walking down the road.

"Well, one thing's for sure." I said. "What's that?" Sam asked. "We're not dealing with a spirit. I mean, that rock salt hit something solid." I said. "Yeah, a person? Or maybe a creature that can make itself invisible?" Sam asked. "Yeah, and dresses up like a clown for kicks? Did it say anything in Dad's journal?" Dean asked. "Nope." Sam said and he clears throat and pulls out his cell phone.

"Who are you calling?" I asked him. "Maybe Ellen or that guy Ash'll know something. Hey, you think, uh, you think Dad and Ellen ever had a thing?" Sam asked. "No way." Dean said.

"Then why didn't he tell us about her?" Sam asked. "Or why my dad didn't mention her to me either." I said. "I don't know, maybe they had some sort of falling out." Dean replied, shrugging. "Yeah. You ever notice Dad had a falling out with just about everybody?" Sam said and Dean nods, casually.

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