Changing Channels

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Dean and I were sitting on the bed of our motel, watching Dr. Sexy, MD. Both of us pretty into it as Dr Palmer and Dr Piccolo enter an elevator then they start making out as the doors shut.

"What are you guys watching?" Sam asked us. "Hospital show. Dr. Sexy, MD. I think it's based on a book." Dean replied. "It is." I said. "When did you hit menopause?" Sam asked Dean. "Her fault." Dean said, pointing at me. Sam looks over at me with a questioning look. "Hey, you complained until the sex scenes began." I said and Sam gives an understanding nod.

“Well, that explains why he’s into it. But I’m a little surprise that you are, (y/n). Just doesn’t seem like your type of show.” Sam said. “Everyone’s got a poison. Nothing wrong with some junk food entertainment every once in a while.” I said and Sam shrugs. “Fair enough.” He said, with a chuckle.

“I wouldn’t call this junk food. Remember the two part season finale?” Dean asked me, giving me a knowing and suggestive look. “Dean, that finale was basically just porn. It had like three separate sex scenes in them.” I said. “Was still good finale.” Dean muttered as he got up and turned off the TV. I shook my head at him and stood up as well.

Sam grabs his suit jacket off the other bed and puts it on. "You guys ready?" Dean asked us. "Are you?" Sam asked and Dean grabs his keys and walks out.

"One more time, the FBI is here why, exactly?" The officer asked us. "Might have something to do with one of your locals getting his head ripped off." I said. "Bill Randolph died from a bear attack." the officer said, firmly. "How sure are you that it was a bear?" Sam asked him.

"What else would it be?" the officer asked. "Well, whatever it was it chased Mr. Randolph through the woods, smashed through his front door followed him up the stairs, and killed him in his bedroom." Dean said and the officer looks between us.

"Is that common, a bear doing all that?" I asked him, suspiciously. "Depends how pissed off it is, I guess. Look, the Randolphs live way up in high country. You got trout runs to make a grown man weep. And bears." the officer said. "Right. Now, what about Mrs. Randolph? The file says she saw the whole thing." Sam said. "Yes, she did. My heart goes out to that poor woman." the officer said.

"She said bear." Dean said, questioning. "Kathy Randolph went through a hell of a trauma. She's confused." the officer said, defensively. "What did she say?" I asked.

Later, the boys and I were sitting at a table with Kathy Randolph. "No, it must have been a bear. I mean, what else could it have been?" Kathy said, obviously unsure. "Mrs. Randolph, what do you think it was?" Sam asked her.

"No, I, I remember clearly now. It was definitely a bear." Kathy said, shaking her head. "We're sure it was. But see, it helps us to hear every angle. So just tell us what you thought you saw." Dean said. "It's impossible, but...I could have sworn I saw...the Incredible Hulk." Kathy said which is the last thing I expected her to say.

"The Incredible Hulk." I said, confused. "I told you it was crazy." Kathy said. "Bana or Norton?" Dean asked. "Oh, no, those movies were terrible. The TV Hulk." Kathy said. "Lou Ferrigno." I said and she nods. "Yes." she said. "Spiky-hair Lou Ferrigno." I specified. "Yes." she said and I hum at this then I exchange a look between the boys.

"You think I'm crazy." Kathy said, disappointed. "No. Uh, no, it's there, uh, would there be any reason that Lou Ferrigno, the Incredible Hulk, would have a grudge against your husband?" Dean asked. "No." she said. "No." Dean repeated.

Back at the motel, Dean and I were looking on our laptops when Sam comes in. "Hey." Sam said as we look up at him.  "Find anything?" Dean asked him. "Well, uh, I saw the house." Sam said. "And?" Dean and I asked.

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