Mystery Spot

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Heat of the Moment 
Heat of the Moment

I open my eyes to see that I was laying on my stomach and the blanket was covering my nude body. I raised my head a bit from the pillow and see Dean sitting on the other bed, tying his shoes. "Rise and shine, sweetheart!" He said and I groan and bury my face in my pillow. "Ugh, five more minutes." I groaned.

"Oh c'mon, (y/n). Don't make me pull you out of bed like a child." Dean said to me. "It's your fault wanting to do a few rounds of the bedroom rodeo last night." I said and Dean smirks.

"What? We hadn't any alone time in awhile. Plus...I couldn't help that you felt so good and right last night." Dean said then he starts to lip sync to the song.

Heat of the moment
Heat of the moment
Showed in your eyes

He bobs his head to the music and points at me and I shake my head at this and then chuckled as he walks to the bathroom. Thank God, Sam is with Bobby doing a job with him and not with us. It would've been so embarrassing to face him after the night Dean and I had.

Later, I was up and dressed as Dean gargles his mouth wash loudly and long. I tried to ignore him long enough to brush my teeth. Dean looks over at me and grins, which made me roll my eyes at him.

"Can you be any louder?" I asked him once I was done brushing my teeth. Dean bends over the sink and spits out the mouthwash and said. "Funny, I asked you the same thing last night!" I threw a towel at him, which hits him in the face, and he chuckles. 

"Whenever you're ready, Dean." I called out to him, minutes later, then Dean pulls out a black bra. "This yours?" He asked and I do a fake gasp. "That was supposed to be a surprise for you later!" I said, a hint of sarcasm in my voice, then I walked up to him and took the bra out of his hand. I wink at him then walk away from, adding a sway to my hips.

I put the bra away and I look over at him and see him roaming his eyes over my body. "Down, boy." I said to him and I rummage in a bag some more, and pull out a gun. "Bingo." I said then I turn to Dean. "Now who's ready for some breakfast?" I asked and he smiles. "You read my mind." He said.

We entered the cafe, the door chimes, as the cashier gives money to an older man. "Drive safely now, Mr. Pickett." the cashier said. "Yeah, yeah." The old man said as the cook shouts. "Order up." Dean and I find a booth as a waitress shouts. "Can't stay unless you order something, Cal. You know the rules."

Dean notices something on the wall. "Hey. Tuesday. Pig in a poke." He said, smiling, and I look at the menu hanging on the wall. "You even know what that is?" I asked him. He shrugs as the waitress, whose nametag says Doris, walks up to us.

"You two ready?" she asked us. "Yes. I'll have the special, side of bacon and a coffee." Dean orders. "Make it two coffees and a short stack." I said and Doris nods. "You got it." She said and she walks away. 

"Dean, are you sure we should be doing this job? I mean, we really need to find Bela." I said. "That's what Sam and Bobby are doing." He said and I sighed. "Look, believe me, I want to find her as bad as you do. In the meantime, we have this." he said as he pulls out some papers. "All right, so this professor." I said as I pick up a newspaper.

"Dexter Hasselback was passing through town last week when he vanished." Dean said. "Last known location?" I asked him. "His daughter says he was on his way to visit the Broward County Mystery Spot." He replied as I look over the paper. "Where the laws of physics have no meaning." I remarked as Doris arrives with a tray with two coffees and a bottle of hot sauce.

"Two coffees, black, and some hot sauce for the-" she started to say but gasps as the hot sauce falls off the tray and smashes on the floor. "Whoops. Crap! Sorry." she said to me then turns to the side. "Cleanup!" she yells.

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