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Dean puts some things in a refrigerator, closes the fridge, and turns around. Applause sounds out as Dean looks at a sandwich on the table, about a foot tall, a laptop next to the sandwich. "I'm gonna need a bigger mouth." Dean said as a laugh track starts. Then Sam enters the room and there was another Applause.

"Hey there, Sam. What's happening?" Dean asked him. "Oh, nothing. Um. Just the end of the world." Sam said and the laugh track comes on. Sam sees the sandwich. "You're gonna need a bigger mouth." he said and the laugh track kicks on again.

"Hey, uh, have you done your research yet?" Sam asked Dean and Dean gets a busted expression, making the laugh track come on. "Oh, yeah. All kinds of research. All night." Dean said. "Yeah? Hm." Sam said, not believing, when porno music comes through the laptop. 

"Oh, yes! Yes! Harder, baby, harder!" A woman said as the music continues, a mixture of laughs and ​​​​​​oooh's​​​​ sounds out. Sam looks at the laptop then at Dean before folding his arms. "Dean..." Sam said, disapproving, and another laugh track. "Son of a bitch!" Dean exclaims, in a exaggerated disappointed voice, and the laugh track comes on again.

Sam shuts the laptop and shakes his head. "How long do we have to keep doing this?" Dean asked Sam, speaking through his forced smile. "I don't know." Sam said as applause happens. "Maybe forever? We might die in here." Sam said as the laugh track comes on again.

"How was that funny? Vultures." Dean said, annoyed, as the laugh track continues. The door opens and it's Castiel and (y/n), who has minor injuries. "(Y/n)! Cas!" Dean said as there was applause. "You okay, sweetheart?" Dean asked (y/n), who nods.

"We don't have much time." Castiel said. "What happened?" Sam asked, gesturing to the injuries (y/n) had. "Cas helped me get out." (Y/n) said. "From where?" Dean asked her but before she could reply Cas speaks over. "Listen to me. Something is not right. This thing is much more powerful than it should be." Castiel said.

"What thing—the Trickster?" Dean asked. "If it is a trickster." Castiel said. "What do you mean?" Sam asked but then Cas and (y/n) are flung backwards into the wall, they're face hidden.

The Trickster appears at the door. "Hello!" he greets to applause and cheers. Castiel and (y/n) get up; their mouths had been duct-taped shut. "Thank you. Thank you, ladies." The Trickster said while Cas and (y/n) glares at him. "Hi, Castiel! (y/n)!" Trickster greets and he gestures at the duo, then Cas and (y/n) vanish in a burst of static.

"You know him?" Sam asked The Trickster. "Where did you just send them?" Dean asked, angrily. "Relax, they'll live. ...Maybe." the Trickster said and the laugh track comes on. "All right, you know what? I am done with the monkey dance, okay? We get it." Dean yells. "Yeah? Get what, hotshot?" the Trickster asked him. "Playing our roles, right? That's your game?" Dean said. "That's half the game." the Trickster scoffs.

"What's the other half?" Sam asked. "Play your roles out there." the Trickster said, as he gestures ahead. "What's that supposed to mean?" Dean asked. "Oh, you know. Sam starring as Lucifer. Dean starring as Michael. Your celebrity death match. Play your roles." The Trickster replied.

"You want us to say yes to those sons of bitches?" Sam asked, shocked. "Hells yeah. Let's light this candle!" the Trickster exclaims, excitedly. "We do that, the world will end." Sam points out. "Yeah? And whose fault is that? Who popped Lucifer out of the box? Hm? Look, it's started. You started it. It can't be stopped. So let's get it over with!" the Trickster said as Sam glares.

"Heaven or hell, which side you on?" Dean asked the Trickster. "I'm not on either side." he replied. "Yeah, right. You're grabbing ankle for Michael or Lucifer. Which one is it?" Dean asked and the Trickster starts to get angry. "You listen to me, you arrogant dick. I don't work for either of those S.O.B.s. Believe me." he growls and Dean scoffs out q laugh. "Oh, you're somebody's bitch." he said and the Trickster's smile vanishes. He grabs Dean by the collar and slams him into the wall.

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