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The hostages run out of the vault as Dean and I crawl behind another low wall nearer where Ronald fell. Sam ducks down beside us, all three of us panting. Sam pulls out the key and hands it to Dean. "Here. Take care of the guard. (Y/n) and I we going after the shifter." Sam said and he runs off while I give a sympathetic look towards Ronald then chase after Sam.

Sam and I approach a broom closet and open it suddenly but it's empty. We hear something behind us and turned around to see the red-head woman and the other hostages behind us. "Please don't hurt us!" She pleads. "You shouldn't be back here right now! You're in danger! Now go back to the vault. Now!" Sam said and they run back.

After hearding the hostages back, Sam and I make our way back to look, only to fknd another shed skin. We sighed at this then I call Dean. "Yeah?" Dean answered. "Slipped his skin." I said. "What?" Dean exclaims. "Yeah, bastard shifts fast. A lot faster than the one in St. Louis." I said, annoyed. "God, it's like playing the shell game. It could be anybody. Again." Dean said.

"Yeah, I think most of the employees are out of the vault by now." I said. "All right, you two search every inch of this place, I'm gonna go round everybody up." Dean said and he hangs up while Sam and I continue to search.

*3rd Person POV*

Dean herds the hostages back into the vault just as the red-haired woman turns to him. "And I thought you were one of the good guys." She said, angry. "What's your name?" Dean asked her. "Why would you care?" She growls.

"My name's Dean." He introduced. "I'm Sherry." She said. "Hi, Sherry. Everything's gonna be all right. This will all be over soon, okay?" He assures her then he shuts the vault door and spins the lock as the landline rings. He sets down his handgun and answers it. 

"Yeah?" He said. "This is Special Agent Victor Henriksen." The voice at the other end said. "Yeah, listen, I'm not really in the negotiating mood right now, so ––" Dean started to say but Henriksen interrupts him. "Good. Me neither. It's my job to bring you in. Alive's a bonus but not necessary." 

"Whoa. Kinda harsh for a Federal Agent, don't you think?" Dean asked him. 'Well, you're not the typical suspect, are you, Dean?" Henriksen asked and Dean looks up, horrified. "I want you, Sam and (y/n) out here, unarmed. Or we come in. And yes, I know about Sam and (y/n) too." Henriksen said.

"How'd you even know we were here?" Dean asked. "Go screw yourself, that's how I knew. It's become my job to know about you, Dean. I've been looking for you for weeks now. I know about the murder in St. Louis, I know about the Houdini act you pulled in Baltimore. I know about the desecrations and the thefts. I know about your dad." Henriksen said and Dean clenches his jaw.

"Hey, you don't know crap about my dad." Dean replied, darkly. "Ex-marine, raised his kids on the road, cheap motels, backwood cabins. Real paramilitary survivalist type. I just can't get a handle on what type of whacko he was. White supremacist, Timmy McVeigh, to-may-to, to-mah-to." Henriksen said. "You got no right talking about my dad like that. He was a hero." Dean growls.

"Yeah. Right. Sure sounds like it. You have one hour to make a decision or we come through those doors full automatic." Henriksen said and he hangs up the phone. Dean then pounds his forehead in frustration as he hangs up the phone.

Meanwhile, Sam and (y/n) see blood on the floor in front of a closet. Sam opens it quickly, and the half-dressed body of Sherry falls out, her throat is slit. "Dammit." Sam growls as (y/n) punched the wall.

*(y/n)'s POV*

Sam and I make our way back to the vault room, where Dean is waiting. "Hey. We've got a bit of a problem outside." Dean said. "We got a problem in here." I said as I gesture towards the vault and Sam and I tell him what we found.

Moments later, Dean open the vault and the hostages flinch and look around. "Sherry? We're gonna let you go." Dean said to the red-haired lady. "What? Why me?" She asked. "Uh, as a show of good faith to the feds, come on." I replied as she looks between us.

"Uh...I think I'd, I'd rather stay here, with the others." She said and Dean approaches her. "I'm afraid I'm going to have to insist." He said and she looks at us warily. 

After a long pause, she approaches us and we shut the vault and push her back to the hallway. "I thought you were letting me go." She said and Dean shoves her forward, holding her head and forcing her to look at the body. She begins screaming hysterically. 

"Is that community theater, or are you just naturally that good?" I asked her as she continues to scream. "This is the last time you become anybody. Ever." Sam said. "No! Oh God! Ohhhh...." she cries then she faints.

The boys and I stare at her, baffled, then back at the other body. Dean removes a rifle from his shoulder and kneels over Sherry. He raises the blade with a shrug, but Sam puts out a hand to stop him. "Dean, wait, wait, wait. What's the advantage of this plan? I mean, fainting now wouldn't help it survive." Sam said then Dean looks back at the other body.

Dean kneels over the other body, then looks up just as he hears a noise, we look up as well. Then we look back at the body, just as it grabs Dean by the throat. As he struggles and stabs at it, Sherry starts to wake up then screams again. Sam and I go over to her as Dean looks over at us. "Get her outta here! Now!" Dean yells and continues struggling with the shapeshifter while Sam, Sherry and I leave.

As we run, we hear the cops coming in and we left Sherry in the corner of the hall then head down the hallway. "Freeze! Let me see your hands." A voice commanded just as we see lights. Sam and I stop then we share a look and nod, slightly. We turn abruptly and take out three armored policemen then we take their clothes and armor and stuff their bodies in a closet.

Sam and I, quickly, put on the armor then carry the extra armor for Dean and began to look for him. Finally we find him standing over the shapeshifter's dead body and we shine our flashlight on him. He looks up at us, panting, and we smiled then handed him the armor to him.

Sometime later, the three of us, in S.W.A.T. armor with weapons, exited the bank and began running up stairs on the outside of a buildlng. We exit the stairs and turn into the deck of a parking garage, walking to the Impala. We get into the car and pull off our masks, panting, and sit in silence for a moment.

"We are so screwed." Dean mutters and Sam nods minutely. "Yeah, big time." I said. Dean starts the car then we pull out of the parking garage.

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