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A blast of fire

A blonde woman with two kids, a girl and a toddler boy

Someone screaming

Sam being choked by a lamp cord

Dean punching a wall with a small ax.

I sit up, quickly, in my bed and catch my breath. Cold sweat runs down my face as my heart races. What the hell was that? I thought as I look around the empty hotel room. I left out a heavy sigh then get up out of bed and head to the bathroom sink.

I splash water in my face then look myself in the mirror. Usually I don't care how I look but damn...I look horrible. I look like a zombie, there are bags under my eyes, my eyes are a little red and my hair looks like a bird's nest.

I stand there and calm myself down before I decide to head back to bed. That dream felt way too real... I thought as I climbed back into bed. I let out a small sigh then slowly went back to sleep, the dream, or nightmare, still lingering my mind.

"All right. I’ve been cruisin’ some websites. I think I found a few candidates for our next gig." Dean said to Sam and I as he looks up from his computer while I was reading a newspaper, even though my mind was still wandering to that dream I had, and Sam was drawing. "A fishing trawler found off the coast of Cali –- its crew vanished. And, uh, we got some cattle mutilations in West Texas." Dean listed off but then he yells. "Hey!" I look up and see Dean glaring over at us.

"Am I boring you guys with this hunting evil stuff?" Dean asked us, angrily. "No. I’m listening." Sam said. "Yeah, same here. Keep going." I tell him and he looks back over to the computer. "And, here, a Sacramento man shot himself in the head. Three times." He said then I look over to see that Sam had went back to drawing. This seems to anger Dean as he waves his hand in front of Sam's face.

"Any of these things blowin’ up your skirt, pals?" He asked him. "Wait. I’ve seen this." Sam said as he looks at his picture. "Seen what?" Dean and I asked as Sam gets up from the bed and goes searching through his duffel bag. "What are you doing, Sam?" I asked him when Sam finds a photo of his and Dean's family from when he was a baby. He compares the tree in the photo to his drawing. They were eerily identical.

"Guys, I know where we have to go next." he said. "Where?" We asked him. "Back home –- back to Kansas." He said, and we were taking aback by this. "Okay, random. Where’d that come from?" Dean asked him. Sam holds up the photo to us and said. "All right, um, this photo was taken in front of our old house, right? The house where Mom died?" 

"Yeah." Dean said, nodding. "And it didn’t burn down, right? I mean, not completely, they rebuilt it, right?" Sam asked. "I guess so, yeah. What the hell are you talkin’ about?" Dean asked Sam, confused. "Okay, look, this is gonna sound crazy but….the people who live in our old house –- I think they might be in danger." Sam replied.

"Why would you think that?" I asked him. "Uh…it’s just, um….look, just trust me on this, okay?" Sam said and he starts to walk away. Dean and I share the same confused look before we go and follow him. "Wait, whoa, whoa, trust you?" Dean said to him. "Yeah." said Sam. "Come on, man, that’s weak. You gotta give us a little bit more than that." Dean said. "I can’t really explain it is all." Sam said and I give him a curious look. "Well, tough. I’m not goin’ anywhere until you do." Dean said, making Sam sigh. Dean and I wait expectantly.

"I have these nightmares." Sam explains. "I’ve noticed." Dean said while I swallow and look down. "And sometimes….they come true." Sam said and I raise an eyebrow at him. "Come again?" Dean and I said, stunned. "Look, Dean, (y/n)….I dreamt about Jessica’s death –- for days before it happened." He admits. "Sam, people have weird dreams, man. I’m sure it’s just a coincidence." Dean said as he sits down on the bed.

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