Abandon All Hope...

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Underneath the lowest of the highway overpass, an old man gets out of an expensive car, digs a hole in the dirt and gravel, buries a box, and stands up. "Mr. Pendleton, I presume." A British voice said and Pendleton turns around to see a man who wasn't there before.

"Name's Crowley." The man introduced. "In my negotiations I was, uh, dealing with a very young, attractive, uh, lady." Pendleton said. "Yes. I know. But you, piggy bank, you are a big fish, and I wanted to do you the honor of sealing this deal personally." Crowley said. "She said the deal would be sealed with a kiss." Pendleton said, nervously. "That's right." Crowley said and Pendleton stares at him.

Crowley grins. "No, I mean, she said—I don't—" Pendleton stammers. "Your choice. You can cling to six decades of deep-seated homophobia, or give it up and get a complete bailout for your bank's ridiculous incompetence." Crowley said as he gets up in Pendleton's personal space.

"There are just things that I—" Pendleton said.

"Going once." Crowley said.

"I don't think so—"

"Going twice."

"All right! All right." Pendleton shouts and Crowley pulls him in. "No—" Pendleton pleads but Crowley kisses him anyway. Meanwhile Castiel is observing from a distance, on the phone. "Got him." Castiel said then a moment later, Crowley releases Pendleton. 

"The demon Crowley is making a deal; even as we speak, it's—going—down." Castiel said to Dean. "Going down? Right. Okay, Huggy Bear, just don't lose him." Dean tells him and Sam and (y/n), who were leaning against the Impala, turn to look at him. "I won't lose him." Castiel assures.

"Damn you." Pendleton growls at Crowley once he's released. Then he turns to walk back to his car. "Enjoy the obscene wealth. See you in ten years." Crowley said then he fiddles with a cell phone while he walks, then vanishes. Castiel follows him, vanishing as well.

"I followed him. It's not far, but—it's layered in Enochian warding magic." Castiel said but then he sees that the wall is covered in blue-white geometric designs. "I can't get in." He tells Dean. "That's okay, you did great. We'll take it from here." Dean assures him and he hangs up, then they load up and drive off.

That night, a young woman in evening dress approaches the gate and presses a button on the intercom. "Hello?" The voice said. "Hello. My car broke down. I—I need some help." The woman said. "I'll be down in a minute." The male voice said and the woman turns around to wait, it's Jo.

The gates swing open and two men approach her. "Evening, pretty lady. Get yourself on in here." One of the men said. "I just need to make a call." Jo tells them. "You don't need to call anyone, baby." The man said then he glances back at his partner. "We're the only help you're ever gonna need." He said. 

"You know what? I think I should wait by my car." Jo said and she turns to go. The first man grabs her shoulder; his eyes go black. "We said, get your ass in here." He demanded and Jo shakes him loose and flattens him. The second man is stabbed through the neck with Ruby's knife, held by Sam. He stabs the first man too.

"Nice work, Jo." Dean tells her. "Thanks." She said and (y/n) hands her a bag. Then Jo pulls out wire cutters. "Okay. Shall we?" She asked and they nod.

Crowley is watching his film when the electricity cuts out. He leaves the room. "It's Crowley, right?" (y/n) said and he turns to see Sam, Dean and (y/n) standing in a room. "So. The Hardy Boys and Nancy Drew finally found me. Took you long enough." Crowley said as Sam holds Ruby's knife and Dean and (y/n) hold a shotgun each.

Crowley approaches, stopping when he sees his rug is rumpled. He looks underneath and sees a devil's trap has been drawn on the bottom of the rug. "Do you have any idea how much this rug cost?" Crowley asked them, angrily, then three men grab Sam, Dean and (y/n) from behind, disarming them and pinning their arms.

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