Yellow-Eyed Demon

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We parked by some train tracks later that day, Sam was looking through the Key of Solomon book on the roof of the car, spinning a marker in his hand. Dean and I were at the back of the car, he was loading up guns and putting them into his duffel bag while I leaned against the car and stare at him with concern.

"You’ve been quiet." I said as I notice the solemn look on his face. "Just getting ready." He replied, flatly. "He’s gonna be fine, Dean." I assured him but he doesn't answer. I frown then walked right next to him then placed a hand on his shoulder. He stops for a moment then turns his head to look at me, I give him an encouraging smile as he stares at me then looks down.

Suddenly, Sam comes up to the open trunk lid and rubs off the dirt and starts to draw on the lid. "Dude, what are you drawing on my car!" Dean exclaims. "It’s called a Devil’s trap. Demons can’t get through it or inside it." Sam replied.

"So?" Dean asked, annoyed, as Sam moves around to the other end of the trunk. "It basically turns the trunk into a lockbox." He said. "So?" Dean asked again. "So, we have a place to hide the Colt while we go get Dad." Sam said and I give him an impressed look. "Smart." I said and Sam smiles at me.

"What are you talking about? We’re bringing the Colt with us." Dean said. "We can’t, Dean. We’ve only got three bullets left." Sam said to him. "He's right, Dean. We can’t just use them on any demon, we’ve got to use them on the demon." I said. "No, we have to save Dad, okay? We’re gonna need all the help we can get." Dean said to us, firmly.

"Dean, you know how pissed Dad would be if we used all the bullets? Dean, he wouldn’t want us to bring the gun." Sam said to him. "I don’t care, Sam. I don’t care what Dad wants, okay? And since when do you care what Dad wants?" Dean asked him, angrily.

"We want to kill this demon. You used to want that, too. Hell, I mean, you’re the one who came and got me at school!" Sam yells and Dean scoffs at this. "You’re the one who dragged me back into this, Dean. I’m just trying to finish it!" Sam shouts. "Well, you and Dad are a lot more alike than I thought, you know that? You both can’t wait to sacrifice yourself for this thing. But you know what? I’m gonna be the one to bury you. You’re selfish, you know that? You don’t care about anything but revenge." Dean growls at his brother. "That’s not true, Dean." Sam said and Dean scoffs again while I turn to him.

"Look, you want your dad back, I get it. But, Dean, they are expecting us to bring this gun. They get the gun, they will kill us all. That Colt is our only leverage and you know it, Dean. We can not bring that gun. We can’t." I said to Dean, firmly. He stares at me for a moment then said, flatly. "Fine."

"I’m serious, Dean." I said to him.

"I said fine, (y/n)." Dean snapped at me and he takes the Colt out of his jacket pocket and holds it up to show Sam and I before putting it in the trunk. Sam gives me a thank you look before we start walking off.

We were walking by the river and step up beside some trees when Dean stops. "Hey, hey." He said and Sam abs I stopsl and look at him. "Think I know what Meg meant by Sunrise." He said and we look over to see an apartment building with a sign out front that says Sunrise Apartments.

"Son of a bitch. That’s pretty smart. I mean, if these demons can possess people they can possess almost anybody inside." Dean mutters. "Yeah, and make anybody attack us." Sam said. "And so we can’t kill them – a building full of human shields." I said.

"They probably know exactly what we look like, too. And they could look like anybody." said Sam. "Yeah, this sucks out loud." Dean grumbles. "Tell me about it." Sam said as we stare at the building. "Alright, so, how the hell are we going to get in?" I asked.

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