Hello, Death

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"Gonna be all right." Ellen assures Jo as (y/n) finished bandaging Jo up. Sam then hands a bowl to Ellen. "Thank you." Ellen said and (y/n) stands up then her and Sam go over to Dean, who is fiddling with something electronic. "How's she holding up?" Dean asked the two and (y/n) gives him a look of worry while Sam clears his throat.

"Salt lines are holding up?" He asked Dean. "Safe for now." Dean said. "Safer. Trapped like rats." Sam grumbles. "Hey, you heard Meg. Her father's here. This is our one shot, Sammy. We gotta take it, no matter what." Dean said and there was a long pause.

"Here we go." Dean said. "Sam, some help here, please?" Ellen asked and Sam goes to help as Dean's gadget squeals. (Y/n) looks over at Ellen, Sam and Jo and couldn't help but feel her heart breaking as she sees the state that Jo is in.

"The number you dialed is unavailable. Please try your call again." The automated voice said through Bobby's phone. "Damn it, boys." Bobby growls as he sits in the kitchen area of his home. But then he hears static coming from the study room. He wheels over and moves a book off a CB radio.

"K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, come in." Dean's voice said through the radio and Bobby picks up the mouthpiece. "K C 5 Fox Delta Oscar, go ahead." Bobby said. "Bobby, it's Dean. We got problems." Dean said and Bobby sighs and looks heavenward. "It's okay, boy. That's why I'm here." He assures.

"Is everyone all right?" Bobby asked. "No. It's—it's—it's Jo. Bobby, it's pretty bad." Dean said, upset. "Okay. Copy that. So now we figure out what we do next." Bobby said. "Bobby, I don't think she's—" Dean stops and lets out a heavy sigh while (y/n) had her arms wrapped around herself, looking down at her feet.

"I said, what do we do next, Dean?" Bobby asked, trying to get his mind straight. Dean leans his head on his hand for a moment. "Right. Okay, right." Dean said. "Now, tell me what you got." Bobby said and Dean explains all of what happened.

"Before they went missing, did Cas and Ariel say how many reapers?" Bobby asked after a few minutes. "I don't—he said a lot of things, I guess. Does the number matter?" Dean asked, annoyed. "Devil's in the details, Dean." Bobby replied and then Ellen taps Dean on the shoulder with one bloody hand. Dean then holds up the microphone to her. "Bobby, it's Ellen. The way they were looking, the number of places Castiel's and Ariel’s eyes went, I'd say we're talking over a dozen reapers, probably more." Ellen informed.

"I don't like the sound of that." Bobby mutters. "Nobody likes the sound of that, Bobby, but what—wh—what does that sound like?" Dean asked him. "It sounds like death, son. I think Satan's in town to work a ritual." Bobby said as he turns pages in his book to one marked with a Post-it that reads Seventh Seal. "I think he's planning to unleash Death." Bobby said.

"You mean, like, as in this dude and taxes are the only sure thing?" Dean asked, jokingly. "As in Death. The horseman. The pale rider in the flesh." Bobby said. "Unleash? I mean, hasn't Death been tromping all over the place? Hell, I've died several times myself." Dean said. "Not this guy. This is—this is the angel of death. Big daddy reaper. They keep this guy chained in a box six hundred feet under. Last time they hauled him up, Noah was building a boat. That's why the place is crawling with reapers. They're waiting on the big boss to show." Bobby said and Dean rolls his head, in annoyance, as if they didn't have enough on their plates.

"You have any other good news?" Dean asks him. "In a manner of speaking." Bobby said as he closes the book, a large leather-bound Holy Bible, and turns to another one that's already open to a page headed The Battle of Carthage. "I been researching Carthage since you've been gone, trying to suss out what the devil might want there. What you just said drops the last piece of the puzzle in place. The angel of death must be brought into this world at midnight through a place of awful carnage. Now, back during the Civil War, there was a battle in Carthage. A battle so intense the soldiers called it the Battle of Hellhole." Bobby said.

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