The Song Remains The Same

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*3rd Person POV*

Anna enters the dark space of 225 Industrial. She looks around and closes her eyes. "Ariel." She whispers, softly, and she felt a slight wind on her face and the sounds of wind. Anna opens her eyes and sees Ariel standing in front of her, looking at her disbelieving.

"Hello, Ariel." Anna greets as Ariel raised an eyebrow at this. "Anna?" Ariel said, confused. "Yes, it's me." Anna said, smiling, while Ariel still looked at her, suspicious. "That's impossible." Ariel said, suspiciously. "Why? You know me! I'm good at escaping." Anna said and Ariel shakes her head.

"No, this is not good. If you're out of prison, it's because they let you out. And they sent you here to do their dirty work." Ariel said to Anna. "And what makes you so sure?" Anna asked her. "Because I know how they I know another angel who has experienced their...persuasion." Ariel said and her eyes moves towards something behind Anna, who then turns around to see Castiel standing behind her.

Anna gasped a bit then turns to Ariel, a bit of anger in her eyes. "You know he gave me to them." Anna growls and Ariel nods. "Yes, I know. I talked to him moments after you were taken. Sometime later, he came to me for help and has proven himself." Ariel said. "It was a mistake, Anna." Castiel said and Anna looks over her shoulder at him, glaring.

"Anna, whatever they sent you here to do—" Ariel said and Anna turns to her. "They didn't send me. I told you I escaped." she said, firmly. "No one escapes." Ariel said, in a firm, stern voice. "All these centuries, and you're underestimating me now?" Anna asked her and there was silence between them.

"If you're not one of them, then what do you want?" Castiel asked her and Anna turns to him. "I want to help." she said. "You want to help?" he asked, suspiciously. "Yes." Anna replied while Ariel looks her over and noticed something. "Then what are you doing with that knife?" she asked and there was a long pause before Anna draws the knife.

"I'm not allowed to defend myself?" she asked. "Against whom? That blade doesn't work against angels. It's not like this one." Castiel asked as he holds up a long silver knife. "Maybe you're not working for Heaven. But there's something you're not telling us." Castiel said and Anna steels herself.

"Sam Winchester has to die." She said, firmly, which takes Castiel and Ariel aback. "What?!" Ariel said, shocked. "I'm sorry but we have no choice. He's Lucifer's vessel." Anna said. "He's not the only one." Ariel said. "What, that guy Nick? He's burning away as we speak. No. Sam is the only vessel that matters. You know what that means? If Lucifer can't take Sam, his whole plan short-circuits. No fight with Michael, no Croatoan virus. The Horsemen go back to their day jobs." Anna said.

"Even if you could...kill Sam, Satan would just bring him back to life." said Castiel. "Not after I scatter his cells across the universe. They'll never find him. Not all of him." Anna said as Castiel turns away from her while Ariel stares at Anna in shock.

"We'll find another way." Ariel said and Anna snaps her head to her. "How's that going? How's the Colt working out? Or the search for God? Is anything working?" Anna asked, with a sneer, and Ariel stares at her then looks down. "If you want to stop the devil, this is how." Anna said and Ariel looks back at her. "The answer's still no. Because Sam is our friend." Castiel said and Anna turns to him again.

"You've changed." She said to him. "Maybe too late, but I have." Castiel said as he turns back to Anna. "Anna..." Ariel said and Anna turns to her while Castiel looks over at Ariel, feeling a bit nervous that she'd take Anna's offer. "...we've been through much together, you're like a little sister to me, I have nothing but the highest regards for you..." Ariel said and Anna looked hopeful while Castiel was nervous. "...but if you ever come near Sam Winchester...I'll kill you." Ariel threatened and Anna looks at her, a mix of disappointment and anger in her eyes.

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