There Can Be Only One

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"You’re awfully quiet, (y/n). You’re not mad at me, are you?" The Demon asked me as we walk outside. "I’m gonna tear you to shreds, I swear to—" I growled and he chuckles. "When you wake up, girlie, you give it your best shot." He said. "Where's Dean?" I asked him. "Quit worrying about Dean. I’d worry more about yourself." The Demon said.

"Why? You gonna kill me?" I asked, sarcasm dripping from my voice. "I’m trying to help you. That’s why we’re talking. You’re the one I’m rooting for." The Demon said. "What the hell is supposed to mean?" I asked him.

"Welcome to the Miss America pageant. Why do you think you’re here? This is a competition. Only one of you crazy kids is gonna make it out of here alive." He said and I stop and give him a confused look.

"I thought we were supposed to be—"

"Soldiers in a coming war? That’s true. You are. But here’s the thing: I don’t need soldiers. I need soldier. I just need the one." The Demon said. "Why?" I asked. "Well, I couldn’t just come out and say that, could I, (y/n)? I had to let everyone think they had a fighting chance. But what I a leader." aaid The Demon.

"To lead who?" I asked. "Oh, I’ve already got my army. Or, I will soon, anyway." He said and I glared at him. "You son of a bitch." I growled. "Honestly, I’m surprised you hadn’t guessed. I mean, why do you think so many children flamed out already? Max Miller and Andy’s brother, what’s-his-name? They weren’t strong enough. I’m looking for the best and brightest of your generation." The Demon said.

"My generation?" I said, confused. "Well, there’s other generations, but let’s just worry about yours. That’s why I’m here, (y/n). I wanna give you the inside track. You’re tough. You’re smart. You’re well-trained, thanks to your daddy. (Y/n) you’re my favorite." He said and I scoff. "Yeah, I'm sure you say that to all of the psychics." I said and he chuckles a bit.

"You ruined my life." I said. "The cost of doing business, I’m afraid. I needed you sharp, on the road, honing your skills. Your gifts." He said to me. "What about my mom? And my dad?" I asked him. "That was bad luck." He said.

"Bad luck? You put that cancer in my dad! You killed my mom!" I yelled. "Your mother walked in on us. Wrong place, wrong time. Your dad...he was just an obstacle in the way." He said. "What does that mean?" I asked him.

"It wasn’t about her or your dad. It was about you. It’s always been about you." He said. "What?" I asked and the demon smiles. "Well…okay. You caught me in a charitable mood. I’ll show you." He said and he snaps his fingers, and we were in a room, that looked like a nursery that was painted pink.

"Look familiar? It should." The Demon said and I look at the crib and see my six-month-old self crying in my crib, while the Yellow-Eyed Demon from the past stands over me. I step forward but the Demon stops me. "Relax, (y/n), this is just a hi-def instant replay. Enjoy the show." He said and the past Demon slices his own wrist with his nail and drips some of the blood onto my six-month mouth.

"What the hell are you doing to me?" I asked him, horrified. "Better than mother’s milk." The Demon said and I look at him, horrified. "Does this mean I have demon blood in me?" I asked and the demon chuckles. "Answer me!" I yelled at him but then my mother walks by the room but stops and comes in.

"(Father's name)?" She said and the past Demon turns to her. She jumps at this, her eyes widen in fear. "Who the hell are you? What are you doing to my daughter?!" She asked then the past Demon forces her against the wall. "Mom!" I screamed as I watch her slowly move up the wall, until she is pinned to the ceiling.

"No!" I screamed as she continues her slide upward. "No!" I yelled again. "I don’t think you wanna see the rest of this." The Demon said and he snaps his fingers again.

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