Hook Man

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Dean and I were sitting at a table at an outdoor café while Sam was on the payphone nearby. Dean was working on a laptop while I was drinking my coffee then Sam walks back over to us. "Your, uh, half-caf, double vanilla latte is gettin’ cold over here, Francis." I said to him. "Bite me." Sam said as he sits down. I stick my tongue out at him and he shakes his head but I see he is smiling.

"So, anything?" Dean asked Sam. Sam shakes his head and said. "I had ‘em check the FBI’s Missing Persons Data Bank. No John Doe’s fitting Dad’s description. I even ran his plates for traffic violations."

"Sam, I’m tellin’ ya, I don’t think Dad wants to be found." Dean said and Sam looks down, disappointed. I frown then patted his arm and he nods, appreciatevly, to me. "Check this out." Dean said then he shows us an article on the computer about a guy's death. "It’s a news item out of Planes Courier. Ankeny, Iowa. It’s only about a hundred miles from here." He said and we read the article.

The mutilated body was found near the victim’s car, parked on 9 Mile Road.” I read. "Keep reading." Dean said and I look over the article. “Authorities are unable to provide a realistic description of the killer. The sole eyewitness, whose name has been withheld, is quoted as saying the attacker was invisible.” I read then raise an eyebrow at Dean. "Could be something interesting." Dean said, shrugging.

"Or it could be nothing at all. One freaked out witness who didn’t see anything? Doesn’t mean it’s the Invisible Man." Sam said, slightly annoyed. "But what if it is? Dad would check it out." Dean said and Sam looks at his brother then at me.

Later, we pull up to a fraternity then get out of the car as some frat brothers look at us confused but some of them look at me, their eyes roaming over me. I look at the boys and smiled at them and wink, flirtatiously, at them. I look over back at Sam and Dean, who I noticed narrowing his eyes at the frat boys. "One more time, why are we here?" Sam asked Dean. "Victim lived here." Dean said as we walk up to some guys fixing a car. 

"Nice wheels." Dean said and they look at him strangely. "We’re your fraternity brothers. From Ohio. We’re new in town. Transfers. Looking for a place to stay." Dean said as he gestures between him and Sam then he grins. 

"Who are you?" One of the boys asked him. "We’re your new roommates." Dean said then smiles. "And what about you, sweetheart?" One of the boys asked me. "I'm a transfer as well. But I'm just hanging around these two as they're my friends back in Ohio." I replied to them as Dean walks up to one of the boys, who was holding up a brush and paint.

"Do me a favor? Get my back. Big game today." The boy said. "He’s the artist. Things he can do with a brush." Dean said as he points at Sam, who looks mortified. But he takes the brush and can as Dean sits on a chair and picks up a magazine.

"So....Murph. Is it true?" I asked him as I walk up to the guy. "What?" He said, shocked. "We heard one of the guys around here got killed last week." I said and he looks down. "Yeah." He said, sadly. "What happened?" Dean asked him. "They’re saying some psycho with a knife. Maybe a drifter passing through. Rich was a good guy." Murph replied.

"Rich....he was with somebody?" Sam asked as he continues to paint his back. "Not just somebody. Lori Sorensen." Murph said. "Who’s Lori Sorensen?" Dean asked then looks over at Sam. "You missed a spot. Just down there on the back." He said while Sam looks at him, annoyed. DEAN grins and I rolled my eyes as I turn to Murph. "Lori’s a freshman. She’s a local. Super hot. And get this: she’s a reverend’s daughter." Murph said and I shake my head. "You wouldn’t happen to know which church, would ya?" Dean asked the boy.

Later, we pull up to the church and enter the inside of the building. We go and sit down and a girl, which I assume is Lori, stares at Sam, and he smiles weakly at her. "So, please, let us pray. For peace, for guidance, and for the power to protect our children." The preacher said and everyone bows their head in prayer, including me and Sam, except Dean. I elbow him, and Dean, noticing everyone else, does the same.

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