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A man drives down the street, into his garage and turns off the engine, a Michigan number license plate displayed on the bumper. The garage door starts winding down by itself and he looks at it, confused. His car doors then self lock. He struggles but cannot open them. The ignition key turns by itself and the engine starts. Exhaust smoke begins filling the garage. The man struggles to turn off the engine to no avail. The radio flicks on and the man begins to cough. "Help. Somebody help me!" He screams. By now the smoke is very thick and he keels over, unconscious. 

I sit up bolt right and I began to take deep, quick breathes as a cold sweat runs down my face. That dream felt way too real....unless...oh no! I thought as I quickly get up and switch the lights on and start to change clothes when my phone goes off. I grab it and answer it. "Hello?" I answered. "Please tell me you didn't have the same vision?" Sam's voice asked and I stopped. "Unless you dreamt about a man dying in his car, then no." I said and Sam sighed. "Crap." I said.

Dean was driving the Impala while Sam was on the phone and I was sitting in the backseat. "McReady. Detective McReady. Badge number 158. I've got a signal 480 in progress, I need the registered owner of a two door sedan, Michigan licence plate Mary-Frank-six-zero-three-seven." Sam said as he reads from his notebook. "Yeah ok, just hurry." He said and I tap my foot on the floor of the car and let out a sigh.

"Guys relax. I'm sure it's just a nightmare." Dean said. "Yeah, tell us about it." I grumbled as I fold my arms across my chest. "I mean it. Y'know, a normal, everyday, naked-in-class, nightmare. This licence plate, it won't check out. You'll see." Dean said. "It felt different, Dean. Real. Like when I dreamt about our old house. And Jessica." Sam said. "And how do you explain that I had the same vision, Dean? Especially when I had the same vision about your old house when I've never been there before?" I asked, curiously.

"Why would you have premonitions about some random dude in Michigan?" Dean asked us. "I don't know." Sam and I exclaimed. "Me neither." Dean said and I scoff before Sam turns back to his phone. "Yes I'm here." He said. He listens, glares at Dean, then picks up his pen. "Jim Miller. Saginaw, Michigan. You have a street address? Got it. Thanks." He said as he writes on his notebook then hangs up his phone.

"Checks out. How far are we?" He asked Dean. "From Saginaw? Couple of hours." Dean said. "Drive faster." I said, firmly, and Dean puts the pedal to the metal.

Eventually, we cruise to a stop and see the ambulances and someone on a stretcher being zipped into a body bag. Sam and I turn to each other in the car then we look at Dean, who looks concerned.

Moments later, we approach the watching crowd. "What happened?" Dean asked the woman he walked up to. "Suicide. Can't believe it." She said as I go and stand next Dean and Sam goes to stand on the woman's other side.

"Did you know them?" He asked her. "Saw him in every Sunday at St Augustines. He always seems...seemed, so normal. I guess you never know what's going on behind closed doors." She said and I stare straight ahead at the building. "Guess not." I said then I turned to the woman.

"How are they saying it happened?" I asked her. "I heard they found him in the garage, locked inside his car with the engine running." She replied. "Do you know about what time they found him?" Sam asked. "Oh it just happened about an hour or two ago. His poor family. I can't even imagine what they're going through." She said, sadly.

Then a woman stands on the front step of the house, crying and leaning against a middle aged man. A young man stands behind them, looking distraught. I watch them, grimacing, then I turn to walk away. Sam walks up to my side as we walk over to the trunk of the Impala.

"Guys, we got here as fast we we could." Dean tries to assure us as he comes up to us. "Not fast enough." Sam grumbles. "It doesn't make any sense man. Why would Sam and I even have these premonitions if there wasn't a chance we could stop them from happening?" I asked, annoyed. "I dunno." Dean said and Sam and I shake our head.

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