Lucky Day

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(Y/N) was sitting on the edge of Dean's bed, staring at him and holding his hand in between her hands. She was feeling an array of emotions as she stares at Dean's unconscious body. She frowns then let's out a small sigh while Dean was staring at her. 

"I feel like I should be saying something...." (y/n) started to say and Dean looks over at her. "But...I can't really think of anything. The only thing I can say is...I miss you, Dean. Even when you're being a smartass." She said and Dean smirks a bit at this. "I just..." (y/n) whispers then she holds on to his hand tighter then brings his hand up to her and kisses it.

"(Y/n)..." Dean said, softly, as he walks up to her then kneels down to her. "I wish you could hear me cause there's alot of things I'd like to say to you." Dean said and he goes to place his hand on her left shoulder.

Just as he does this, (y/n) felt something cold on her left shoulder. She places her right hand on her shoulder then turns her head slightly, almost looking at the spot that Dean was residing. Dean let's out a small gasp as (y/n) looks around the spot and whispered. "Dean?"

Suddenly, Sam enters the room quietly, clutching a brown paper bag in his arms, and (y/n) turns to him. "What's that?" She asked him. Sam looks at her then and sighs as he pulls the object out of the bag. "Something I'd hope would help talk to Dean." He said then he looks around the room.

"(Y/n) and I think maybe you're around. And if you are, don't make fun of me for this, but um, well, there's one way we can talk." Sam said and he shows (y/n) a ouija board while Dean stares at his brother as he stands up.

"Oh, you gotta be kidding me." Dean grumbles as (y/n) gives Sam a confused look. "A ouija board? Seriously?" She said. "You got any better ideas?" Sam asked her as he circles around the bed. "Good point." She said and the two sit cross legged on the floor.

Sam opens the box and pulls out the board and the two place their hands on the pointer. "Dean? Dean, are you here?" Sam asked as Dean scoffs. "God, I feel like I'm at a slumber party." He said as he sits opposite them in front of the board. "I feel like I should be at an all girl's slumber party." (Y/n) said and Dean looks over at her and grins. "Shall we braid each other's hair, Sam?" She asked, teasingly.

"Shut up." Sam said and (y/n) rolls her eyes at him. "All right, Sam. This isn't going to work." Dean said and he places his fingers on the pointer with Sam's and (y/n)'s fingers and slowly, concentrating, slides it to "YES" on the board. Sam and (y/n) gasp while Dean's jaw drops. 

"I'll be damned." He said and Sam laughs in relief. "It's good to hear from you, man. It hasn't been the same without you, Dean." Sam said. "Damn straight." Dean said and he places his fingers on the pointer again and starts sliding it.

"Dean, what?" (Y/n) said, confused, just as the pointer goes to some letters.



"Hunt? Hunting? What, are you hunting?" Sam asked after he and (y/n) read off the letters. The pointer slides back to "YES"

"It's in the hospital, what you're hunting? Do, do you know what it is?" (Y/n) asked, worriedly 

"One question at a time, guys." Dean said then he moves the pointer again. "What is it?" Sam and (y/n) asked and the pointer slides again during the following, to R, E, A, P. "I don't think it's killing people. I think it's taking them. You know, when their time's just up." Dean said and (y/n) gasped.

"A reaper. Dean. Is it after you?" She asked and the pointer slides to YES. "If it's here naturally, there's no way to stop it." Sam said as Dean nods. "Yeah, you can't kill death." He said.

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