The Prophet Chuck

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"You...You're Castiel...aren't you?" Chuck asked, shocked, as he sees Castiel. "It's an honor to meet you, Chuck. I...admire your work." Castiel said as he picks up one of the books and starts paging through it. "Whoa, whoa, what? This guy, a prophet? Come on, he's – he's...he's practically a Penthouse Forum writer." Dean said and I turn to Chuck.

"Did you know about this?" I asked him as he stumps over to his armchair; he cracks open a fresh bottle of whisky and pours himself some. "I, uh, I might have dreamt about it." He said and my eyes widen and jaw drops as Dean turns to him. "And you didn't tell us?!" He yells. "It was too preposterous. Not to mention arrogant. I mean, writing yourself into the story is one thing, but as a prophet? That's like M. Night-level douchiness." Chuck replied as he finishes this tirade and desperately gulps down the whisky.

Then Dean turns to Castiel. "This is the guy who decides our fate?" He asked, quietly. "He isn't deciding anything. He's a mouthpiece – a conduit for the inspired word." Castiel replied.  "The word? The word of God? What, like the new new testament?" I asked him. "One day, these books – they'll be known as the Winchester and (l/n) gospel." Castiel said.

"You got to be kidding me." Dean, Chuck and I said, in unison. "I am not...kidding you." Castiel said and I sigh. "If you'd both please excuse me one minute." Chuck said as he stands, still clutching the bottle, and disappears upstairs.

"Him? Really?" Dean asked Castiel. "You should've seen Luke." Castiel said. "Why'd he get tapped?" I asked him, gesturing towards the stairs Chuck went up to. "I don't know how prophets are chosen. The order comes from high up on the celestial chain of command." Castiel replied.

"How high?" Dean asked. "Very." Castiel said. "Well, whatever. How do we get around this?" Dean asked. "Around what?" Castiel asked, confused. "The Sam-Lilith love connection. How do we stop it from happening?" I asked him. "What the prophet has written can't be unwritten. As he has seen it, so it shall come to pass." Castiel said and Dean and I exchange worried and fearful looks.

Dean drives us back to the motel, parks, and we get out of the car. Then we head inside. "Come on. We're getting out of here." Dean said to Sam as we enter and I shut the door. "What? Where?" Sam asked. "Anywhere, okay? Out of this motel, out of this town. I don't care if we got to swim, we are getting out." Dean said while I look around, confused.

"Sam, where are all the hex bags?" I asked him. "I burned them." Sam replied and Dean and I turn to him, sharply. "You what?" we asked him. "Look, if Lilith is coming, which is a big if –" Sam started to say but Dean shakes his head. "No, no, no. It's more than an if. Chuck is not a psychic. He's a prophet." Dean said.

"What?" Sam asked, shocked. "Castiel showed up, and apparently Chuck is writing the gospel of us." I replied and Sam thinks then nods a bit. "Okay." He said. "Okay. Let's get the hell out of here." Dean said as he grabs our bags. "No." Sam said, firmly.

"Lilith is gonna slaughter you." Dean said to him. "Maybe she will, maybe she won't." Sam replied, shrugging. "So what? You think you can take her?" I asked him. "Only one way to find out, guys, and I say bring her on." Sam said.

"Sam..." Dean and I said, worried. "You two think I'll do it, don't you? Both of you think I'll go dark side." Sam accused. "Yes! Okay? Yes. The way you've been acting lately? The things you've been doing?" Dean yells and Sam looks up, startled. "Sam, the way you ripped Alastair apart like it was nothing, like you were swatting a fly, it was pretty frightening." I said, giving him a worried look, and Sam looks over at Dean, fearfully.

"Oh, I already knew. Her and Cas told me." Dean said and Sam's eyes narrow. "What else did Cas tell you?" Sam asked him. "Nothing I don't already know. That you've been using your psychic crap, and you've been getting stronger. We just don't know why, and we don't know how." Dean said. "It's not what you think." Sam said.

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