You Walk Out, Don't Come Back

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*(y/n)'s POV*

Bobby, Dean and I unlock and open the panic room door after Bobby told us that Sam got out and knocked him out. "How the hell did he get out?" I asked, confused. "Maybe he had help. Room full of busted devil's traps." Bobby said. "Demons? Ruby." Dean said, questioning. "That'd be my guess." Bobby said.

"How did she even touch the door?" I asked them. "You two think she's got the mojo?" Bobby asked us "I didn't think so. I don't know, man." Dean said as I shrug. "What difference does it make? How he got gone ain't as important as where he got gone to." Bobby said.

"Well, I'll tell you one thing. At this point I hope he's with Ruby." Dean said. "Why?" I asked him. "'Cause killing her's the next big item on my to-do list." He replied. "I thought you were on call for angel duty." Bobby questions. "I am on call. In my car, on my way to murder the bitch." Dean growls as he leaves the room and Bobby and I follow him.

"One thing." Bobby said and Dean stops and turns to him. "What?" He asked. "Sam don't wanna be found, which means he's gonna be damn near impossible to find." Bobby said. "Yeah, we'll see." Dean mutters.

"Police found my car. Abandoned in an alley in Jamestown, North Dakota." Bobby tells us after about a few hours of research. "He's switching up." Dean said, a bit impressed. "Any other cars stolen in Jamestown?" I asked Bobby. "Two. 1999 Honda Civic, blue. Nice and anonymous, like Sam likes." Bobby said.

"What was the other one?" Dean asked him. "White oh-five Escalade with custom rims. It's a neon sign." Bobby replied. "You're right. He'd never take that. Which is exactly what he did." Dean said. "You think?" Bobby asked. "I know that kid. All right, (y/n) and I'll head in that direction. You stay here, ride the police databases. We gotta find him quick." Dean said and he and I walk out of Bobby's house and get into the Impala.

We had been on the road for awhile when Dean's phone rings. He pulls it out of his pocket then hands it to me to answer as he focuses on driving. I look to see it was Bobby calling and I push the answer call and put the phone on speaker.

"Cops found the Escalade in a ditch outside Elk River." Bobby said. "How far away are we?" I asked him. "A couple of hours. I pulled up a weather map, made some calls. There's a town not far from there, Cold Spring. Lighting up with demon sign." Bobby replied. "A good place to look." Dean said, determined.

"Hey, listen." Bobby said, quickly. "What?" Dean and I asked. "Us finding Sam? It's gotta be about getting him back, not pushing him away." Bobby said and it seemed more that this was for Dean than for me, even though I am pissed at Sam as well. "Right." Dean mutters. "I know you're mad, Dean. I understand. You got a right to be, but I'm just saying. Be good to him anyway. You gotta get through to him." Bobby said but Dean doesn't respond.

"(Y/n)..." Bobby said. "Yeah?" I said. "Please, keep the peace between these boys." Bobby pleads and I look over at Dean, who rolls his eyes, slightly, as he keeps them on the road. "I'll try, Bobby." I sighed then I hang up. 

We finally make it to the motel Sam was staying at and hide in the hallway. We looked around the corner and see Sam leaving a room. We watch him go then both of us enter the room, only to find Ruby inside.

She turns to us, surprised, then she begins to attack us and we do our best to fight her off until Sam comes in as I have ahold of Ruby and Dean starts to pull out the knife.

"No. Let her go. Just take it easy." Sam tells us as he pulls Dean away, grabs the knife out of his hand, then pulls me off of Ruby seconds later. "Well, it must've been some party you two had going, considering how hard you tried to keep us from crashing it. Well, solid try, but here we are." Dean said to him, angrily, as I go and stand next to him.

"Dean, I'm glad you two are here. Look. Let's just talk about this." Sam said. "Soon as she's dead, we can talk all you want." Dean growls then Sam turns to Ruby. "Ruby, get out of here." He tells her. "No, she's not going anywhere." Dean said but Ruby runs out and Sam watches her go.

"She's poison, Sam." Dean yells. "It's not what you think, Dean." Sam said. "Look what she did to you, Sam. I mean, she up and vanishes weeks at a time, leaves you cracking out for another hit—" I said to him, concerned. "She was looking for Lilith." Sam defends. "That is French for manipulating your ass ten ways from Sunday." Dean yells. "You're wrong, Dean." Sam said, firmly.

"Sam, you're lying to yourself. I just want you to be okay. You would do the same for me and for (y/n). You know you would." Dean yells. "Just listen." Sam said and he raises his hand then he realized he's still holding Ruby's knife that he took from Dean, and tosses the knife on the bed. "Just listen for a second. We got a lead on a demon close to Lilith. Come with us, guys. We'll do this together." Sam said.

"That sounds great. As long as it's you, me and (y/n). Demon bitch is a dealbreaker. You kiss her goodbye, we can go right now." Dean said but Sam shakes his head. "I can't." Sam said and Dean turns away, nodding. " know this is crazy...." I said, trying to talk some sense into him. "(Y/n), I need her to help me kill Lilith. I know you and Dean can't wrap your heads around it, but maybe one day you guys will understand. I'm the only one who can do this, guys." Sam said and Dean turns back around.

"No, you're not the one who's gonna do this." Dean said and Sam scoffs. "Right, that's right, I forgot. The angels think it's you." He grumbles. "You don't think I can?" Dean asked him. "No. You can't. You're not strong enough. And neither is (y/n)." Sam growls and Dean glares at him.

"And who the hell are you?" He asked, angrily. "I'm being practical here. I'm doing what needs to be done." Sam yells. "Yeah? You're not gonna do a single damn thing." Dean said. "Stop bossing me around, Dean. Look. My whole life, you take the wheel, you call the shots, and I trust you because you are my brother. Now I'm asking you, for once, trust me." Sam pleads.

"No. You don't know what you're doing, Sam." Dean said. "Yes, I do." Sam said. "Then that's worse." Dean said, in a soft growl. "Why? Look, I'm telling you—" Sam started to say but Dean talks over him. "Because it's not something that you're doing, it's what you are! It means—" Dean said then he cuts himself off. "What?" Sam asked but Dean doesn't respond.

"No. Say it." Sam said as he has tears in his eyes. "It means you're a monster." Dean said and Sam nods. I bite my lips and tears roll down my cheeks when Sam punches Dean, making him go down hard. "SAM!" I shouted, shocked, as Dean gets back up, stares at Sam then Dean punches him.

"STOP!" I screamed and I go to stand in between them, holding my hands out to them. "Guys, stop, please!" I exclaimed. “Stay out of this.” Dean growled, grabbing me by my shoulders and pushing me out of the way. I lose my balance and fell onto the hardwood floor. I groaned at the now throbbing pain in my head, hearing things in the room break as boys fight. 

I forced myself up, in time to see Dean crash through the divider and land on the glass coffee table that breaks on impact. He hits the floor and doesn’t get up.  Sam pins him down, choking him. "You don't know me. You never did. And you never will." He growled as he continued to choking him.

I raise my hand up and Sam goes flying back then lands on the floor. I keep my hand out as I use my powers to hold Sam down, glaring at him, while walking towards him. He slowly starts to get up but I do my best to hold him back, but he looked like he was fighting against the wind. Then he holds his hand out and I felt a force push me back and I plant my feet firmly against the floor.

“Look at what you're doing! You’re hurting your own family! This isn’t you Sam, it’s the demon blood! C'mon, you're smarter than this!” I shouted at him. “How would you know? You’re too weak to take any. This is me. This is me taking control of my own life for once!” Sam growls then he thrusts his hand forward and I felt a powerful force throw me back and I hit the wall then slide down.

I groan as I land on my front and hear Sam walking. "You walk out that door, don't you ever come back." Dean yells and I raise my head and look at Sam, who stops at the door and turns back, then leaves.

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