Simon Said

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A late-middle aged man, Dr. Jennings, walks down the sidewalk. His cell phone rings and he picks it up. "Hello. Yeah. All right." He said then he lowers the phone slowly.

A city bus with a triangular Blue Ridge logo on the front passes. He smiles, turns, and continues walking. Across the street he enters a sports equipment shop and approaches a man leaning against a counter reading GUNS magazine.

"Afternoon, Dennis." Jennings greets. "Hey, Doc." Dennis said, smiling. "I'd like to look at a gun." Jennings said and Dennis begins to laugh. "Yeah, right, doc." He said and Jennings just looks at him and he stops laughing.

"Seriously?" Dennis said and Jennings nods, slightly. Dennis crosses behind the counter in front of a display of guns. Jennings looks around, then points. "That one." He said and Dennis unlocks the display and pulls out the indicated gun. "Okay. That's a turkey hunter, twelve gauge, pump action. Doesn't leave enough turkey behind, if you ask me." Dennis explains.

"What sort of shells does it use?" Jennings asked and Dennis begins to pull a box from under the counter. "Right here. I'm taking the boys up to the cabin this weekend if you're uh... I mean if you think you might like to take up the sport." Dennis said as Jennings takes a shell and starting to fit it into the gun. "Thanks, but no. You know guns make me nervous, always have. This one goes in here, right?" Jennings as he loads the gun.

"Whoa, Doc! No, you can't load a weapon on the premises, it's illegal!" Dennis exclaims. "It's okay, Dennis." Jennings assures. "No, no." Dennis said in a panic. "It's okay, Dennis. It's all gonna be okay." Jennings said and he turns to gun on Dennis. 

"Doc!" Dennis exclaims in fear just as Jennings fires. Dennis was hurled against the wall as the blast hits him. The other customers start to panic. "No, no, it's, it's okay. It's okay. It's all gonna be okay." Jennings said and he presses the shotgun against his chin and he fires the gun.

I gasp in pain as I lean forward and lean my head on the table. I placed my hands over my head and I held it as the vision flashes over my head. "(Y/n)..." Dean's voice said with worry as I groan in pain when the vision goes on a little longer and I get flashes of a different man. Only problem is I can't see his face but I could hear him giving instructions to the man, Jennings.

"No..." I groaned as my head felt like it was gonna explode.

"(Y/n)! Hey!" Dean said and I raise my head and look up at him, slowly. I see Dean's face, which was full of worry, and I look around to see we were still in the bar and I could see a few people looking at me as they walk by.

"(Y/n), what's wrong?" Dean asked. "Check...on...Sam..." I whispered and Dean stares at me. "Vision." I was able to say as the pain in my head was still there.

Dean nods then heads over to the bathroom, since Sam went in there minutes ago, while I place my hands over my face and close my eyes as the pain was subsiding.

Later, Dean was driving the Impala, I was in the passenger's seat and Sam was in the backseat, down a dark two-lane road. The radio was playing. "Rockin' Nebraska. Your source for the classics, all night long." The announcer said. "I don't know, guys, why don't we just chill out, think about this." Dean said and I shut off the radio.

"What's there to think about?" I asked him. "I just don't know if going to the Roadhouse is the smartest idea." Dean said to us. "Dean, it's another premonition. (Y/n) and I know it. This is gonna happen, and Ash can tell us where." Sam said. "Yeah, man, but..." Dean started to say but I shake my head. "Plus it could have some connection with the demon. Our visions always do." I said.

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