Sex And Violence

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*3rd Person POV* 

"Yeah." Sam said into his cellphone as he stands in the bathroom of their motel room. Dean and (y/n) were asleep in one of the beds together, Dean was laying on his right side and (y/n) was hugged up to him. His back against her chest and her left arm draped around his waist and her face was pressed up against his back.

A truck horn sounds and wakes Dean up. He raises his head and sees Sam was not in his bed. "Yeah, that's what I'm telling you. No storms, no bad crops, nothing." Sam said and Dean leans up on an elbow and watches Sam talk in the phone. "Yeah, okay. We'll keep looking. You keep looking too, OK? All right. Talk soon." Sam said and he hangs up and Dean quickly lies down, pretending to be asleep.

Sam enters the main room and watches Dean and (y/n), seeing they were still asleep. Then he pokes Dean with his bathroom bag. "Hey. Up and at 'em, kiddos." he said and Dean pretends to wake up, rubbing his eyes, while (y/n) groans. "Five more minutes." She mumbles as Dean looks over at Sam.

"You're up early. What are you doing?" He asked Sam. "Nothing. I was in the can." Sam replied. "Yeah?" Dean said, not believing him. "Yeah. You want me to draw you a picture?" Sam asked him. "Nah, I'll pass." Dean said as (y/n) goes to lay on her back and rubs her eyes. "Thank God, cause I don't want the first image I see in the morning is Sam's bathroom routine." She grumbles and Sam rolls his eyes.

"Found a job. Bedford, Iowa. Guy beat his wife's brains out with a meat tenderizer." Sam said and both Dean and (y/n) look over at him, alarmed. "Yikes." Dean said. "And get this. Third local inside two months to gank his wife. No priors on any of 'em, all happily married." Sam said. "Ahh. Sounds like Ozzie and Harriet." (y/n) remarks and Sam smirks.
"More like The Shining." he said as (y/n) sits up on the side of the bed. "All right, well I guess we'd better have a look." Dean said

*(y/n)'s POV*

"Why does the PD keep sending you guys? I already said I don't want a lawyer." Mr Benson said to us after we arrived at the prison to interview him.. "They're lining up the firing squad." Dean said, smirking. "I'm pleading guilty." Benson said. "All right, look, you don't want us to represent you, that's fine. In fact it's probably not a bad idea, between you and me. We just wanna understand what happened, that's all." I said to him.

"Mr Benson. Please." Sam pleaded as Benson looked between us then sighs. "What happened was, I killed my wife. You wanna know why? Because she made plans without asking me. He said. "Now when it happened, how did you feel? Disoriented, out of control?" Sam asked him. "Like something possessed you to do it?" Dean added. 

"I knew exactly what I was doing. I was crystal clear." Benson said and I furrow my brow. "The why'd you do it?" I asked him. "I don't know. I loved her. We were happy." he replied and Dean places some papers on the table and taps them.

"Nine G's. That's a hefty bill." Dean said and Benson's eyes widen. "Where did you get that?" he asked. "Doesn't matter. We have it. See, certain charges, ones you don't want the missus to know...they show up under shady names like M & C Entertainment." Dean said. "I don't know what you're talking about." Benson said. "Like dropping plastic at a nudie bar for instance." Dean said.

"We just wanna know the truth, Mr Benson." I said to Benson, who was looking at us nervous then he sighs. "Her name was Jasmine." he said. "She was a stripper?" Sam asked. "Dude, her name was Jasmine." Dean said. "Or she's a fan of Aladdin." I added and Dean rolls his eyes. "I didn't mean for it to happen, I don't like to go to strip bars. My buddy was having a bachelor party, and there she was." Benson said.

"Jasmine." Sam said and Benson nods. "She came right up to me. And...I dunno, she was just...perfect. Everything that I wanted." he said. "Well you pay enough and anybody will be anything." Dean said and I elbow his side. "It wasn't about the money. It wasn't even about the sex. It was...I dunno. I....I don't know what it was. It's hard to explain." Benson said and I raise an eyebrow at this. 

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