Bedtime Stories

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"I don't understand, Dean. Why not?" Sam asked Dean, angrily, as we drive down the empty wet road. "Because I said so." Dean said, firmly. "We got the Colt now!" I exclaimed. "(Y/n)..." Dean said, warningly.

"She's right. We can summon the Crossroads Demon…" Sam started to say but then Dean starts to shout over him.

"We're not summoning anything."

"...pull the gun on her and force her to let you out of the deal!"

"We don't even know if that'll work!" Dean shouts. "Well then we'll just shoot her! If she dies then the deal goes away!" I shouted at him. "We don't know if that'll work either, (y/n)! All you guys are pitching me right now is a bunch of ifs and maybes and that's not good enough, because if we screw with this deal, you die!" Dean shouts, angrily, at me.

"And if we don't screw with it, you die!" Sam said. "Sam, enough! I am not going to have this conversation." Dean said. "Why, because you said so?" I asked him, angrily. "YES BECAUSE I SAID SO!" Dean screams out.

"Well you're not Dad!" Sam shouts and he and Dean silently stare at each other. "No, but I am the oldest. And I'm doing what's best. And both of you are going to let this go, you understand me?" Dean yells while Sam and I stay quiet. Sam stares out the window and I scoff and lean back in the backseat, folding my arms across my chest.

"Tell me about the psychotic killer." Dean said as he looks at Sam, who doesn't say anything. "C'mon, Sam, tell me about the psychotic killer." He said and Sam picks up a paper from his lap.

"Psychotic killer…rips victims apart with brute-like ferocity." Sam said in a monotone. "OK, any mention of his razor sharp teeth or his four-inch claws? Animal eyes?" Dean asked.  No. But the lunar cycle's right." Sam said. "Look, if it is a werewolf we don't have long, moon's full this Friday and that's the last time it changes for a month." I said. "Two days, no sweat." Dean said and we drive down the highway.

The boys and I hold our fake badges with our photos then we close our badges and return them to our suit pockets. Kyle, the lone survivor of the attacks, lies in a hospital bed with bandages and scrapes. "I'm Detective Plant, this is Detective Page and Detective Jones, we're with the County Sheriff's Department." Dean said.

"Yeah, uh, I've been expecting you." Kyle said and I furrow my brow at him. "You have?" I asked. "All morning. You are the sketch artist, right?" Kyle asked and Sam and I exchange a look. "Absolutely." Dean said, quickly. "Yeah." Sam mutters, quietly, as I nodded. "Yeah. That is exactly who my partner is. The things he can do with a pen." Dean said, laughing, as he pats Sam's shoulder. Sam glares at Dean.

"But listen before we get started on that I wanted to ask you, uh, how'd you get away?" I asked Kyle. "I- I have no idea. I was hiding, and he found me. He was coming right for me and then he just stopped. Staring at me with this blank look. And after that he just took off running." Kyle replied. "'Kay. Um, I'm going to need as much physical detail as you can remember." Sam said as he pulls a small notebook and pen from his pocket and starts sketching.

"Uh yeah. Uh, he's about six feet tall..." Kyle said and Sam nods. "Six feet..." Sam mutters. "Dark hair." Kyle said as Dean and I peek at Sam's sketch, which looked like a child drew it.

"Uhm, what-what about his eyes, what color eyes did he have?" Sam asked Kyle. "Maybe….blue?" Kyle said. "Blue?" I asked. "It was dark." Kyle replied. "Did they seem..." Dean then clears his throat. "Uh, animal-ish?" Dean asked, finishing. "Excuse me?" Kyle said, confused.

"What about his teeth? You notice anything strange about 'em?" I asked and Kyle shakes head. "No, they were just teeth." Kyle said. "Teeth, OK." Sam mutters as he continues to draw.

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