Free To Be You And Me

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Days had passed since the day Sam left off on his own, and Dean and I pretty much do our best to continue on as if nothing happened. But it honestly felt weird without Sam. Dean stayed mostly quiet that first night after Sam left and it was just really odd, and a bit worrying, with him not saying anything.

I wanted to talk to him but it was like he knew I was gonna say something and he would shake his head at me. I frown at him but don't say a word. Then that night, as we got ready for bed at the motel, I got in bed next to him and he pulled me close to him, held me tight. I frown, worried, as I hug him back and run my fingers through his short hair as he buries his face into the space where my neck and shoulder meet. We stayed like that until we fell asleep.

Hours later, I felt Dean twitching and I heard him grunt and groan. "'t..." he grumbles and I sit up and place my hands on his chest. "Dean, Dean, wake up." I said as he continues to twitch. "Don't...leave...(y/n)..." he mumbles and I shake his shoulder. "Dean!" I shouted and his eyes snap open and he sits up as well.

Then he turns to me. "Thank God." He mutters, sounding like he ran a mile, as he goes to embrace me. "Hey, hey,'s okay." I said as I run my hand up and down his back. He hugs me for a few moments then he pulls back to look at me. 

"What's wrong?" I asked him and his eyes shift down, almost like he was embarrassed. "Dean, you can tell me." I assured him as his green eyes looks back into mine. "I-I-I felt so real..." he said and I furrow my brow. "What did you dream about?" I asked him. "You leaving me." He said. I give him a sympathetic look then cup his face. 

"I'm right here, Dean. You know I'd never, ever leave you." I assured him. "I'll always be here by your side." I said and Dean stares into my eyes for a bit longer then nods and leans his forehead against mine. Then I go and give him a kiss on the lips and he cups my face in his hands. Moments later, we lay back down on the bed and just hold each other until we fall back asleep.

So now here we are, few days later, finishing a job with a vampire. We got back from killing it and Dean had gotten his jacket covered in blood. Dean goes to lay down on the bed as I dampen a washcloth in the motel room sink and start to clean his jacket. Then I look up at the mirror and see Castiel and Ariel standing behind me, this makes me let out a small scream.

"(Y/n)?!" Dean said and I thump the sink. "God. Don't do that, you two!" I yelled at the angels. "Hello, (y/n)." Castiel said then he turns to Dean, who was standing behind him. "Hello, Dean." He greets. "Greetings, you two." Ariel said as I turn around and see that Cas and Ariel are pretty close to me.

"Guys, we've talked about this. Personal space?" I said to them. "Our apologies." Castiel said and he and Ariel step back and I grab Dean's jacket and walk towards Dean. "How'd you find us? I thought we were flying below the angel radar." Dean asked then as he rubs his ribs to illustrate the point.

"You are. Bobby told us where you two were." Ariel said as her and Castiel look around the motel room. "Where's Sam?" Castiel asked us while Dean puts on his jacket without looking at the angel. "Us and Sam are taking separate vacations for a while. So." Dean replied.

"You find God yet?" I asked them. "More importantly, can I have my damn necklace back, please?" Dean asked, annoyed. "No, we haven't found him." Castiel said. "That's why we're here. We need your help." Ariel said. "With what? God hunt? Not interested." Dean said. "It's not God. It's someone else." said Castiel. 

"Who?" Dean and I asked. "Archangel. The one who killed us." Castiel said and Dean and I share a look of confusion. "'Scuse me?" Dean asked. "His name is Raphael." Ariel said and I raise an eyebrow. "You two were wasted by a teenage mutant ninja angel?" I asked them. "We've heard whispers that he's walking the earth. This is a rare opportunity." Castiel said while I noticed that Ariel had rolled her eyes at my comment.

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