Snow White

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Dean sits on the hood of the Impala, playing with the apple after I handed it to him, then Sam approaches. "Paramedics picked up Cinderella." He saidm "That's good." Dean said and he tosses the apple to me. "So...Little girl, shiny red apple. I'm guessing that means something to you, fairy tale girl?" Dean asked me and I scoffs. "Yeah, it's Snow White." I replied.

"Snow White? Ah I saw that movie. Oh the porn version anyway. There was this wicked Stepmother? Woo, she was wicked." Dean said as he grins and I let out a noise of disapproval. "There is a wicked Stepmother. And she tries to kill Snow White with a poison apple." I explained.

"But the apple doesn't actually kill the girl, right?" Dean asked. "No. Puts her into a deep sleep, so deep it's almost like she's dead." I said as we get into the Impala.

"No, sorry. We don't have any comatose little girls." The nurse told us after we arrive back at the hospital. "You sure?" Sam asked. "Totally. It's mostly old guys. And well...Callie. She's been around since before I started here." The nurse replied.

"Callie?" Dean asked. "Yeah, it's so sad. And poor Dr. Garrison he just won't give up on her." The nurse said. "Is Callie one of his patients?" I asked her. "No. His daughter." She said

We arrive at Callie Garrison's room and stop outside the doorway. We watch as Dr. Garrison reads to Callie. "...and the Huntsman stepped inside, and in the bed lay the Wolf. So the Huntsman took a pair of scissors and cut open the Wolf's belly."

I glance at the boys just as Dr. Gareison notices us. He puts down the book, gets up and walks to us. "Detectives. Can I help you?" He asked us after he clears his throat. "We just...heard that Callie is your daughter." Dean said. "And we wanted to say how very sorry we are." Sam said and Garrison nods. "Well, uh. Thank you. If you'll excuse me." He said and he walks out in the hallway. 

"Oh, heading this way? We'll walk with you." Dean said as we follow him. "How long's Callie been like that?" I asked him and Garrison looks at us. "We don't mean to intrude, we can't possibly understand how hard it must be for you seeing her like this." Sam said. "It's not easy. She's uh, been here since she was eight years old." Garrison said.

"That's when she was poisoned?" Sam asked. "Yes. Swallowed bleach. Never figured out how she got her hands on the bottle. My wife found her, uh, brought her to the ER here and I was on call." Garrison said. "You're wife was uh, was that Callie's stepmother?" I asked and Garrison stops walking and looks at me.

"Actually, yes. How'd you know that?" He asked and I shrug. "Lucky guess." I said. "Well, Julie was the only mother that uh, Callie ever knew. My wife passed away last year and uh, it's just my daughter and me now. She's all I got left." Garrison said then he pauses before he continues. "Uhm, excuse me I gotta get back to work." He said and he walks away.

"Well you're right. It's Snow White in spades." Dean said to me. "Yep. Step-mom poisons the girl, puts her into a deep sleep. What's the motive you think?" I asked them. "Could be like Mischa Barton. Sixth Sense not the O.C." Dean said and Sam looks at him. "What?" Sam asked. "Hey, you know fairy tales, I know movies. She played the pasty ghost. You know the, uh, remember the mom had that thing you know, where you keep the kid sick so you get all the attention?" Dean said.

"Oh yeah yeah yeah, uh, Munchausen Syndrome by Proxy." Sam said. "Huh, could be." I said. "So say all these years Callie's been suffering silently because nobody knows the truth about what mommy dearest did?" Dean asked as we walk down the reception. "And after all this time her spirit just gets angrier and angrier, until it finally just starts lashing out." Sam said.

"Right. Meanwhile she has to listen to dad tell her these deranged stories about a rabid wolf or a cannibalistic old lady, it's enough to drive anybody nuts." I said. "OK, but how are we gonna stop her, I mean Callie's stuck here, her father's keeping her body alive." Sam said. "It does make it a bit hard to burn the bones." Dean said. "You think?" I asked when a voice shouts.

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