Dead Man Don't Wear Plaid

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"Bobby, listen, when you get this message, call! Okay?" Sam said into the phone as we get out of the Impala. "Is he still not home?" I asked him and he shakes his head. "How far could he get in that chair?" Dean asked as we enter the diner to meet a man who saw a murder by a man who was supposed to be dead.

"So, what do we do?" Sam asked. "Well...Guess we just do it ourselves." Dean said as we sit down at a table opposite a man. "Mr. Wells, why don't you tell us what you saw in your own words." I asked the man. "Call me Digger." Mr Wells said.

"Digger? Who gave you that name?" Dean asked him. "I did." Digger said. "You gave yourself your own nickname? You can't do that." Dean said. "Who died and made you queen?" Digger asked Dean and I snorted at this.

"Okay. Uh, why don't you just tell us what you saw?" Sam asked Digger. "I saw Clay Thompson climb into Benny Sutton’s trailer through the window. Couple minutes later, Clay walked out, and Benny's dead." Digger explained and I hold up a photo of Clay. "And, uh...Is this the guy you saw?" I asked him. "Well, he was all covered with mud, but, yeah. That's Clay." Digger said as I put the photo away.

"And you are aware that Clay Thompson died five years ago?" Sam asked him. "Yep." Digger said. "And you're positive that it was this guy." said Dean as he points at the photo. "You calling me a liar?" Digger asked, offended. "No, no, no. Of course not." I assure him but he looked at me, not like he was believing me.

"Look. Can you think of any reason why Clay Thompson, alive or dead, would want to kill Benny Sutton?" Sam asked him. "Hell, yeah. Well, five years ago, Benny's the one that killed Clay in the first place." Digger said. "Is that a fact?" Dean asked. "Well, yeah, so-called hunting accident. Now, if you ask me...Clay came back from the grave to get a little payback." Digger said.

"Go on." I said, intrigued, but then Digger looks over out shoulder. "Heads up. Fargo." Digger said as a female officer comes up to us. "Digger." she greets. "Sheriff." Digger said then she turn to us.

"Gentlemen. Ma'am. I'm Sheriff Jody Mills. I don't believe we've had the pleasure." Jody said. "Agents Dorfman, Neidermeyer and Flounder. FBI." Dean introduced us. "Welcome to Sioux Falls, gentlemen and ma'am. Can I ask you what you're doing with Digger here?" Jody asked us. "They’re doing their job. They believe me, Sheriff." Digger said to her.

"The FBI believes a dead man committed a murder?" Jody asked, giving us a suspicious look. "Look, we're just asking a few questions, Sheriff. That's all." I said. "Of course, if a dead man didn't commit the murder, then, uh, who did?" Dean asked as Jody eyes us.

"What'd you say your jurisdiction here was again?" she asked. "Our jurisdiction is wherever the United States government sends us." Dean said. "Oh, yeah. How 'bout me and your supervisor have a little chat about that?" she asked. "Absolutely." Sam said and he hands her a business card and she calls the number on the card

"Agent Willis, this is Sheriff Jody Mills…" she said after a moment of silence then she stops. "Bobby? Is this Bobby Singer?" she asked and the boys and I give shocked looks at this. Honestly, I was feeling a bit nervous, when people call Bobby it usually works but somehow this woman knows who he is.

"Bull crap." Jody said into the phone, hangs up and turns to us. "FBI, huh?" she said. "So, uh...So you know Bobby Singer?" Sam asked, nervously. "That is...a fun coincidence." Dean said as he chuckles nervously. "Here's what I know about Bobby Singer. He's a menace around here, ass-full of drunk-and-disorderlies and mail fraud. You understanding me?" she said to us, firmly. "I think we all can agree that you've made yourself perfectly clear, yes." I said to her, nodding.

"So, whatever the four of you are planning, it ends here. Now. Ten-four on that, Agents?" she asked. "Yeah." Dean said and Jody glares at us.

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