One Hell Of A P.A.

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"Run-in with a giant fan. Same thing happened to an electrician back in '66, a guy named Billy Beard." Sam said as we watch the police examine the crime scene where Jay, another worker here, was killed by a giant fan.

"What the hell, guys?" Dean asked and I shrug as Sam said. "I don't know. Doesn't seem like Elise this time, either. It's not her M.O."

"No, we already torched her. So, what, are we dealing with another ghost?" I asked. "Maybe." Sam said. "Yeah, but these things don't usually tag-team." Dean said.

Outside in the lot, McG, who had been running this whole production, gathers the cast and crew, including me and the boys. "Everybody! Gather around, okay! I've got an announcement to make." He said as he hands his car keys to a P.A. "Hold that for me." He said then he turns to the rest of us.

"Everyone! Huddle in! In light of Jay's accident last night, and in cooperation with the authorities, we're shutting down production for a few days. I know, I know. Look, I'm not gonna lie to you. We've had a few setbacks this week. But we all know what Jay and Brad wanted more than anything. And that was to see Hell Hazers 2: The Reckoning on screens all across America! Now, we owe it to them to go on, and to pull together and make this damn movie, huh?" He said and there were cheers and applause from the crowd.

"But – but but but not today. Go home. Someone will call you." McG said and everyone disperse.

Sam and I were back inside of the trailer, watching more of the dailies. "Wendy" was reading in Latin when she is interrupted by "Kendra". "Wendy, don't." She said. "What are you, afraid of ghosts? Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy said as Dean enters.

"Hey." He said. "Hey." Sam and I greet and I look up at Dean. "So, you find out where the electrician's buried?" I asked him. "He wasn't. Billy Beard was cremated." Dean replied. "Great. Now what?" Sam asked, exasperated.

"No idea. Any more ghost cameos in the dailies?" Dean asked us. "Not in the first six hours. You know, maybe the spirits are trying to shut down the movie 'cause they think it sucks. 'Cause, I mean, it kind of does." Sam said and I shrug. "Maybe." I said.

"Come on, it'll be fun." Wendy said and she continues reading in Latin. Suddenly, Sam rewinds then tape as be sits up and listens closer to the Latin. "Listen to the invocation." Sam said and we listen. "Guys, that's the real deal – a necromantic summoning ritual. What the hell is that doing in a Hollywood movie?" Sam asked us.

We make our way back to the studio and go to the office of Marty, who is the writer of the film. We walk up to the doorway and see him talking on his phone and he noticed us. "All right. Cool." He said and he hangs up.
"Guys, we're all shut down. What are you still doing here?" He asked us. "Yeah, um, well, is...sorry, man. We–we–we couldn't help ourselves. We just had to tell you that we read the script." Sam said to him.

"And?" Marty asked us. "Yeah. It's – uh – it's awesome." I said, nodding. "Awesome." Dean said. "Really awesome." Sam said and Marty smiles at the flattery. "I know, it's pretty rockin', right? I'm glad you guys liked it." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I really liked, uh, all the attention to detail." Sam said. "Dude, right on, that's my thing. I mean, you know, color me guilty, but that is me. I'm, I'm, I'm a total detail buff." Marty boasts. "No, I can tell. I mean, the way you worked in all those, all those Enochian summoning rituals and all the authentic language." Sam said and Marty's smile fades.

"What, you mean that Latin crap? No, man, that's Walter. Walter Dixon, the original writer. You like that garbage?" He asked and Dean stares at him. "Wait, Walter the P.A. Walter?" Dean asked. "No, he's not a P.A. He's got a clause in his contract that allows him to come on set." Marty said.

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